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I want it.
I've always said that if I could take 3 characters to present the TPM aesthetic it would be Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn and Jar Jar Binks.
How dare you compare the two.....

I actually thought it was a pretty good comparison.

Wow, certainly seemed like they were inching toward JarJar with HT's deep PT dive, but it doesn't make this day any less shocking. I don't think anyone would have expected a high-end 1/6 JarJar to ever be produced.

I guess Belloq in Raiders was right... with the passage of enough time, anything can become valued/desired. :lol
This is legitimately the only recent reveal that made my jaw drop- in a good way. I’m more glad to see Jar Jar than Grievous.

I never disliked the guy. I never loved him either. He was just one of the crew with very distinct mannerisms, a silly voice, and comedic slapstick relief; perfectly constructed entertainment for a 9 year old.

I also had one of these (along with every other toy associated with TPM) and loved playing with it.

Gungan City was a great addition to the Star Wars universe and ingratiated itself to me even more to me via the TPM PS1 game, which I could never complete.

Honestly? I think a lot of us were in the closet about the PT. It was sort of like Nickelback. You talk a bunch of **** with your friends, but then you’re jamming along to “Rockstar” on the FM channels.:lol Part of what happened, I believe, is we collectively realized George Lucas was right: he made those movies for kids.

I was too young to be aware of any backlash against TPM. As far as me and my friends were concerned, it was the coolest thing that had ever happened.

I think I managed to make it into my twenties before even becoming aware that people hated it on such a large scale, which shocked me since I still consider it my favourite of the prequels.
But that wasn’t uncommon for me- in the days when I rejected the internet in favour of playing outside- since I also wasn’t aware of negativity towards Independence Day, Hook, or even Nickelback; all of which I have openly enjoyed throughout my life. How You Remind Me will always go down well at Karaoke Night.

I also quite dislike the meme culture around Star Wars prequels, which I think is actually the primary driving factor behind its newfound popularity, especially amongst Gen Z.
You’re not enjoying the movie for its qualities at that point, you’re enjoying using recognisable moments from the movie to pursue online validation from strangers.
It’s blurring the lines between enjoying something ironically by conflating the dopamine hit from getting positive social media responses with actual appreciation of and emotional resonance with the subject matter- imo anyway.

I dislike it more after an eye roll moment when I went to a LOTR all-day marathon at the cinema and all the younger people seeing the trilogy on the big screen- presumably for the first time- would celebrate and high five when Boromir says ‘One does not simply walk into Mordor’ or Legolas says ‘They’re taking the Hobbits to Isengard!.’ Great, you got to see your favourite meme in context… Now try to actually appreciate these masterpieces of cinema!
Oh boy, I’m becoming and grumpy old man far too soon.

All that to say- no, I’m not buying this ironically. Jar Jar is, whether people like it or not, a prominent part of TPM, and he absolutely belongs in the display with the rest of the main cast.

I bet you end up looking at Grievous more on the shelf.
Grievous just isn’t that big of a wow for me since I’ve had the SSC 2.0 for awhile and it always seemed inevitable HT would make him eventually. I’m just upgrading something I already have and spending even more money on the character, which is never as fulfilling as adding something entirely new to the collection.

Jar Jar is a genuine surprise who it was quite feasible to believe we’d never get in 1/6 form- if you don’t count the old Hasbro doll.

I don’t like him more or think he’s cooler, more eye-catching, or will make for a better figure than Grievous- but I have had a more positive emotional response to his reveal for the reasons listed above.

I bet you end up looking at Grievous more on the shelf.
Grievous was a chain-smokers-cough bore of a character with a sorta cool but also sorta goofy design, all delivered with slightly iffy CGI. Overall, a bit hard to take seriously as a villain in a live action movie.

JarJar was a pretty cool creature design with terrible character execution (voice worst, followed by heavy lean on under-5 humor) that became the symbol of what was wrong with the PT.

Not sure who wins that head-to-head. :lol

As a lover of some of the creature designs of the PT (Nass, Watto, Nute etc) I'm mulling a JarJar though the seamless arms are a worry and just not sure I have the room.
Since this is likely to be the only Jar Jar we'll ever see in HQ sixth-scale, I wish HT would push the boat out a bit more here. An alternate head sculpt with a more neutral expression would be welcome (at least make that tongue removable).

Won't be surprised if this tease never sees production, just another entry in the prototype twilight zone.

I'd be glad to pick this up. Wonder if we'll ever see a padawan Kenobi to go with it to display (along with Qui-Gon)...
Honestly, I liked Jar Jar fine at first. But he grates on you. Like Roger Rabbit. It gets so bad that you can't even watch the movie.
How dare you compare the two.....
Honestly think Don-Wan & Jaxxon were the true Qui-Gon & Jarjar inspiration, yet Lucas would loath to admit it.

Though I apreciate the obvious Goofy influence.



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Grievous just isn’t that big of a wow for me since I’ve had the SSC 2.0 for awhile and it always seemed inevitable HT would make him eventually. I’m just upgrading something I already have and spending even more money on the character, which is never as fulfilling as adding something entirely new to the collection.

Jar Jar is a genuine surprise who it was quite feasible to believe we’d never get in 1/6 form- if you don’t count the old Hasbro doll.

I don’t like him more or think he’s cooler, more eye-catching, or will make for a better figure than Grievous- but I have had a more positive emotional response to his reveal for the reasons listed above.
I had a similar experience.

My older brother hated Episode 1 and turned me off of it for a long time, but now it's back to being my favorite PT film. Qui-Gon is legitimately my favorite character in Star Wars, and Jar Jar has been a favorite since I was little.

I really can't wait to see his accessories, they could really just go ham and make it worthwhile for all the Jar Jar fans!