Hot Toys Rambo repaint

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Just a little freaky
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all, first posted this over at the osw but thought i'd post a few pictures of my Rambo figure here. Repainted the head, body and bullets plus weathered the top. I'll eventually weather the jeans and belt more but have a few other projects to finish up first.





damn dude - that is much better than the stock head. i wish mine looked like that :lol well done!

have you ever tried making a poncho for old john j.?
Excellent work man, I can see an instant improvement from the stock paint. You've especially brought out the likeness in his eyes. Good work.
^^^^^^ definitely. i always knew this head had a decent stallone likeness in there somewhere.

that blood work is really stunning too.
Dude, very nice. But how did you manage to repaint that rubber skin?
Dude, very nice. But how did you manage to repaint that rubber skin?

Cheers guys,

I almost destroyed it before I started, didnt realise it was rubber and left it in acetone for a minute while I was sorting something else out. Came back and it had already started to degrade! Washed it all off quickly and there wasnt any serious damage, just a couple of small cracks that were easily covered.
Paint wise I just used a base coat of acrylic and water, took about 20-25 coats. Then it was just a case of putting down a layer of pastel, dullcoat, repeat with the odd acrylic layer to darken his tan.

Oh and I had thought about the poncho, actually have the perfect material in the form of an old action man camp bed, will get around to that at some point:)

EDIT, oh I realise now you were on about the body lol, the head has a layer of rubber too!
The body is all pastel and water, the rubbers very porus so it takes the colour well and doesnt smudge. The blood is red acrylic mixed with gloss coat and only applied where there are no bends, just in case;)
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Cheers guys,

I almost destroyed it before I started, didnt realise it was rubber and left it in acetone for a minute while I was sorting something else out. Came back and it had already started to degrade! Washed it all off quickly and there wasnt any serious damage, just a couple of small cracks that were easily covered.
Paint wise I just used a base coat of acrylic and water, took about 20-25 coats. Then it was just a case of putting down a layer of pastel, dullcoat, repeat with the odd acrylic layer to darken his tan.

Oh and I had thought about the poncho, actually have the perfect material in the form of an old action man camp bed, will get around to that at some point:)

EDIT, oh I realise now you were on about the body lol, the head has a layer of rubber too!
The body is all pastel and water, the rubbers very porus so it takes the colour well and doesnt smudge. The blood is red acrylic mixed with gloss coat and only applied where there are no bends, just in case;)

Interesting. Thanks for the info. Great job on this.