Yeah, I think it gives the figure it's due. When I put him in the throne, he was kind of visually absorbed by it. Perfect lighting that hits him just right (like in the movie) obviously helps hugely but I didn't have the ability to do that in my display.
There's also the sense that there's something wrong with the way the fig sits in the throne - I had a really hard time posing him just right, and when I did find a good pose, his feet were hanging. It might be that the real throne had cushions that he sank into or something. Some people lowered their throne, but from the ref pics I saw, the HT throne was aleardy slightly on the low side. So there was something up with the way the two went together that I couldn't quite figure out.
I still think for that reason the very best pose is Palps standing in front of the throne as if he's just stood up, because it's a really superb accessory, esp lit up.
Did anyone make Palps taller? It seemed to me he was at least 1/4" too short, but he's a kind of shriveled/hunched guy and he rarely stands next to anyone so I guess it's not as noticeable. You can see in bts pics next to Vader and others that he's taller than you'd assume.