How about Howard Stern Show figures?

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Super Freak
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
South Jersey
You could have the wack pack, all the regulars...i think they would be interesting and funny as hell.. Beetleguise PF!
Are you serious ?

Classless, immature, call him what you please, but theres no denying the impact he has had.

I use to listen to him once in a while, honestly I was never up early enough to catch the show. But I did enjoy the movie, and would likely be down for a Howard if it wasn't expensive. No one else from the show interests me though.
Maybe a figure of Howard Stern only. I could care less about the rest of the Wack Pack.
i cant stand stern. Growing up everyone loved him but he just seemed to force all of his jokes. I always liked opie and anthony cause they just talked crazy ^^^^.
The Stern show has never been better on Sirius.. Richard and Sal are a big part of that. Or Jack MeHoffer & Rod Stifington if you prefer.
GTFO with this.

Impact or not, that guy has done nothing positive for society. He attracts the lowest common denominator, and we can do with a little less of that in this country. Nobody who likes that guy is a benefit to mankind.

Then there's this guy.

He and some of the other Stern crew came to Medieval Times (where I worked as a Knight) in Buena Park, California not long after Private Parts came out. This little ^^^^ jumped into the arena during the show and almost got his ass run over by two jousting horses. I'm happy to say I personally tackled his ass in the sand in front of the whole crowd and had security escort the whole lot out of the building.

He and his fans are mindless idiots. Ratings do not indicate a level of social intelligence, especially considering the decline in American education. Drop outs love Stern.
I think Howard Stern is prolly the most boring license suggestion I have ever read on this board. :lol
Someone has rated this thread accordingly i see.