How many paid $400.47 for the Jabba setup?

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Super Freak
Nov 14, 2005
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I'm just curious how many Californians visit this board and got slapped with 8% sales tax (as with all Sideshow figures. :rolleyes:).

Still can't wait for Jabba though!
guilty!! ...but i may have to cancel the environment though. not sure yet. I really hope i have enough by the time it gets shipped out. :chew
Luxury, I dream of only paying 8% tax. (how can you tell I was in Yorkshire over the weekend.) We pay 17.5% VAT on our goods in the UK.
Then again we're used to getting ripped off with gas at $8.00 a gallon etc. That's why I buy all my clothes on my annual trips home to the Valley...... and for once it's warm enough here to wear all that surf dude summer stuff!
I will have to pay 6 percent GST and 7 percent pst when it
comes plus brokerage fees in with the shipping costs. And
Fedex charges a surcharge for the delivery which is usually
about 10 dollars.
So I will pay considerably more that the listed price
Just last week I received my Green Hulk vs Spider-Man Exclusive from Sideshow. $300 for the item, SS charged $65 for shipping through FedEx. Then on delivery I was charged another $75!! 14% tax plus "brokerage" fees.

I wish I only had to pay 8%. :monkey2 In my case it was 25%!!

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:D I will be paying the wonderful $400.47 for Jabba. The thing is I think it'll be worth it and after collecting Master Replicas since 2002 its not that much of a hit to the ol' wallet anymore just need to start saving the pennies now....
The price for mine was $352.00 U.S. but the shipping cost was not calculated in there because I'm in Canada... Let's say that there is a good $50.00 shipping cost on something that big and that the price will be somewhere around $400.00 U.S.

Now let's take in account the exchange rate from U.S. to CAN $. The price will probably come up to around $460.00-475.00 CAN... Plus customs/Fed ex will probably charge me around $30.00 for something of this size and weight so all in all I am looking at a price tag of around $500.00 CAN.

BUT WAIT!!! It's not finished yet!

I can't order this entire set without getting both the EX. "Bib" and "Boushh" 12" figures to go with it! Ordinarely these standard Star Wars figures run me about $100.00 each after conversion rate and customs plus shipping cost...

So all together, I will be looking at a bill on my CC of about $700.00 CAN if not more!

Worth it for the quality but still... I wish Sideshow would have given those of us who ordered the entire "Jabba" set a discount/rebate on both the "Bib" and "Boushh" 12" figures. It really would have helped!

Heh, I wouldn't have to pay much, but then again, right now I can't buy much expensive stuff, so by the time I have more money to, I'll be living in California anyway.

Or here's an idea, I could move to California and then have all my packages shipped back here to texas and save some money. Then I would just have to figure out how to actually get it...:monkey1
Living in CA makes a difference here in the states. I decided to lose the "bug and jug" exclusive accessories and order Jabba and Creat pk from a dealer. I'll keep the throne environment but the bug (creat pk acc) and jug (Jabba goblet acc) aren't worth $50 in savings to me which I will now use to buy Leia or Bib.

gotta draw the line somewhere...
There was an exclusve with the throne? I only knew about the glass for Jabba. Is there something else? A bug?
The bug comes with the creature pack. The throne IS the exclusive. You can only get it from Sideshow if you live in the US, and possibly can get it from a retailer if you live outside the US.
Buttmunch said:
The bug comes with the creature pack. The throne IS the exclusive. You can only get it from Sideshow if you live in the US, and possibly can get it from a retailer if you live outside the US.

You can get it from Sideshow if your in Canada too.

Nope, didnt order it. Dont have the cash, will not have the cash. It's as simple as that.
I HAD to pre-order it as soon as I saw it at Comic Con. I have no of yet. I do have to make a decision whether I will cancel Lurtz & Frodo...eliminating the collection of the PF LOTR. At least I'll still have the 12" LOTR, PF SW & 12" SW collection going.
I went the whole nine yards with it; the fact that the throne environment was available through Flexpay made my decision easier.

I do not envy you folks living abroad, those extra fees you guys are getting hit with are outrageous. Thank goodness I live in CA, just a hop, skip and a jump from SSC headquarters!
I don't like paying $400+ any more than the rest of you, but if I didn't get the whole shebang I know I'd regret it as soon as people start to post their pictures and talk about "how awesome this thing is".
A friend of mine called me last Friday, and let me know he ordered the whole Jabba set, and asked if he needed to me to log in to order for me. After I explained I was all set, and we gushed about how cool it looked, he told me that his grandfather passed away. I think a saner situation would've been telling me about his loss first, but hey, you could tell what was on his mind!