Human Centipede Part 3

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never watched any of them. Wasn't the second one just basically a fat guy raping women, that happened to be attached to anothers ass?
Ugh, I saw the second one a couple of years back in a hostel with some friends. So freaking disgusting. I don't know who comes up with gross storylines like this.

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Ugh, I saw the second one a couple of years back in a hostel with some friends. So freaking disgusting. I don't know who comes up with gross storylines like this.

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some ppl just can't seem to fight the urge of curiosity when it comes to movies just made to try and gross you out. I tried to watch one of those types of movies one time, and it was on the syfy channel and I still couldn't get through the whole thing. They just don't appeal to me at all.
A third one? :lol :monkey4

I've read a little about the first one, but haven't seen either movie - nor do I plan to. These things obviously have an audience, so whatever I guess.

I don't know.. it's one thing to direct the thing & be part of the crew, but quite another to put your hand up for a role in one of these wtf jobs.
A third one? :lol :monkey4

I've read a little about the first one, but haven't seen either movie - nor do I plan to. These things obviously have an audience, so whatever I guess.

I don't know.. it's one thing to direct the thing & be part of the crew, but quite another to put your hand up for a role in one of these wtf jobs.

:lol :lol :lol

Yeah, imagine telling your friends that you landed an 'acting' job in that.
Human Centipede 2 is the most disgusting movie I have ever seen. Its like a car wreck were you can't stop not watching. I would highly not recommend this movie.
AKA - Watch it.
Human Centipede 2 is the most disgusting movie I have ever seen. Its like a car wreck were you can't stop not watching. I would highly not recommend this movie.
AKA - Watch it.

was it just really gory or just a lot of poo stuff?
was it just really gory or just a lot of poo stuff?

It's sick. The first HC is nothing compared to the second. There is a reason why it is B&W. It would be too much for us to comprehend in colour. It is the Best sickes movie you will ever see. Make you cringe!! Not scary.