I didn't cancell anything!!!!!!!!!1

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Insufferable S.O.B.
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
Tree of Woe
Since people for some reason feel it is important to let other know when they cancelled a item, I figured it was important to let those same people know I haven't cancelled chit!!!

I am now starting the Broke Bastards Club. Anyone else that doesnt cancel anything are automatically in the club.

:chew <~~Broke Bastards Everyone Else~~~>:monkey2
I have yet to cancel a single Sideshow order except for a Anakin Exclusive version when I found one online. I dont plan on cancelling anything. I cant wait to get all of the stuff I have ordered.
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Same here, and good call on starting this thread. Let's see how many of us are still here come the New Year, kinda like "the Contest" episode of Seinfeld: People can just drop a new post and say, "I'm out!" and then list what they canceled.

Of course I never ordered any of the Jabba stuff except Leia, so do I still qualify?
I'll join!

I've kept every 1/6th item I've ordered so far, and plan to. The only item I had to cancel was the Exclusive Jaws maquette, but I still have a regular one on order with Adam.





:monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
I've only cancelled the GG OT maquettes so I don't think that should count against me.

I'd love to be in the Broke Bastards Club. I'll be exactly that next month.
Well I'm sad to say I can't be included in your club. I had to cancel the Buffy PF and The Old West Ghost Rider. Even with those cancellations I still have 38 SSC pre-orders, 28 coming directly from SSC and 10 coming from different dealers. The sad part is that's not including GG, DC Direct and some others.:pow
I cancelled the Terminator 12" figures, the Wolverine and Iron Man maquette, and the Spider-Man PF. The Sword of Damocles is hanging over the heads of the LOTR 1/6 and PF figures.

So I am not in the club, yet I somehow still find myself broke...

Trying not to cancel. 5 pre-orders right now. I just got the 3-5 notice on Obi-Wan, so I'm going to have to call SS and have them push him to Sept 1 with Mace. They'll be late, but no biggie.
The only thing I canceled was my date for the weekend because I was to damn broke to take her out after my love fest with sideshow :banana :pow
I haven't ordered everything, but I haven't cancelled anything! Well, I did, onlyto re-order them cheaper from dif. retailers if I didn't care for their exclusive.
The only thing I cancelled was the VCDs, so I could buy them from Alter Ego and save some money. I don't plan to cancel anything I've got on pre-order. Off the top of the head, this is what I've got on order right now.

  1. 12" Mace exclusive
  2. "12 Obi-Wan exclusive
  3. 12" Qui-Gon exclusive
  4. 12" Maul inclusive
  5. Sith Probe Droids inclusive
  6. 12" Aragorn exclusive
  7. 12" Legolas exclusive
  8. 12" Boromir exclusive
  9. 12" Bib Fortuna exclusive
  10. 12" Jabba inclusive
  11. 12" Jabba's Throne inclusive
  12. 12" Salacious and Creatures inclusive
  13. 12" Leia Boushh exclusive
  14. Luke/Yoda PF exclusive
  15. Boba Fett PF exclusive
  16. Yoda 1:1 bust
  17. Buffy PF (ordered from Alter Ego)
  18. TIE Fighter VCD (from Alter Ego)

Gentle Giant
  1. Grievious mini-bust
  2. Boba Fett maquette
  3. Darth Maul mini-bust
  4. 501st & Utapau clones mini-busts
  5. Hermione mini-bust
  6. Rancor statue
  7. Colored Republic Commando maquette
  8. Cantina Band Bust-ups
  9. Jango Fett mini-bust
  10. Plo Koon mini-bust

  1. 2x Republic Commando set
  2. Imperial Briefing Room set

I think that's everything I've got on order.

If I'm not a Broke Bastard, I'll certainly be one.
Here's my pending list:

1. 12" Mace exclusive
2. 12" Obi-Wan exclusive
3. 12" Qui-Gon exclusive
4. 12" Maul inclusive
5. Sith Probe Droids inclusive
6. 12" Aragorn exclusive
7. 12" Legolas exclusive
8. 12" Boromir exclusive
9. 12" Bib Fortuna exclusive
10. 12" Jabba inclusive
11. 12" Jabba's Throne inclusive
12. 12" Salacious and Creatures inclusive
13. 12" Leia Boushh exclusive
14. 12" T-1000 Exclusive
15. 12" T-800 Exclusive
16. 12" Connery BOND Legacy


Its frightening to see it layed out like this. I have no room!
Wor-Gar said:
Here's my pending list:

1. 12" Mace exclusive
2. 12" Obi-Wan exclusive
3. 12" Qui-Gon exclusive
4. 12" Maul inclusive
5. Sith Probe Droids inclusive
6. 12" Aragorn exclusive
7. 12" Legolas exclusive
8. 12" Boromir exclusive
9. 12" Bib Fortuna exclusive
10. 12" Jabba inclusive
11. 12" Jabba's Throne inclusive
12. 12" Salacious and Creatures inclusive
13. 12" Leia Boushh exclusive
14. 12" T-1000 Exclusive
15. 12" T-800 Exclusive
16. 12" Connery BOND Legacy


Its frightening to see it layed out like this. I have no room!

:lol I have the exact same list, minus the Terminators, but add all of the Legacy Bond figures. And not to mention both SW PF and both vs. dioramas. :eek: