I don't always drink beer, but when I do...

Collector Freaks Forum

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Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Any interest in getting a Most Interesting Man in the World headsculpt commissioned?


I'm not even a beer drinker, but I think the ads are freaking hilarious and it would just be an awesome figure. Anyone else think so?

Stay thirsty, my friends.
Can't say I'd want one... but I support your quest to have him made :lecture

I think he'd look great on a wolverine body... the chest hair would really pop on him :lol
LOL, I didn't know what the fuzz was going on, so I youtube'd this guy and LMAO!.

The one the killed me was: "...On Rollerblading...(camera closes up)...NO..." LOL.
The Halloween Special was just hilarious. He was banned from the graveyard for bringing the dead back to life, and he once turned a vampire into a vegetarian. Good Stuff
sharks have a week dedicated to him.................:lecture
I'd love to see this made. I wouldn't buy it myself, but this would be pure ownage.