I got an exclusive Luke Jedi!!!

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Super Freak
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
Last night I found a Jedi Luke Exclusive for $134 on ebay shipped and bought it. :chew I am so happy to finally have a skiff blaster. Does everyone think that was a good deal or not. I cant wait to get ahold of this one and I guess I can open and play with the regular edition that I have. I now have every exclusive edition as soon as it gets here. Just hope I dont have to miss anymore of them.
I would like to thank all of you that gave me info about buying on ebay. I was so excited that I also bought two Episode 1 figures TC-14 and R2-B1 together that I was missing.
Re: I got an exclusive Luke Jedi

Seems pretty standard. But since this was your first forray into ebay, that is definately a good deal. Most first timers get gauged royally (like me, who paid $108 for REGULAR Luke.... and still I weep). :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2

On the upside I won SS DVD vol 5 and a $25 SS gift certificate last night for $10. :D
Re: I got an exclusive Luke Jedi

jason2885 said:
Last night I found a Jedi Luke Exclusive for $134 on ebay shipped and bought it. :chew I am so happy to finally have a skiff blaster. Does everyone think that was a good deal or not. I cant wait to get ahold of this one and I guess I can open and play with the regular edition that I have. I now have every exclusive edition as soon as it gets here. Just hope I dont have to miss anymore of them.
I would like to thank all of you that gave me info about buying on ebay. I was so excited that I also bought two Episode 1 figures TC-14 and R2-B1 together that I was missing.

I was watching them for a lil bit most are going for around $150+. Mine was about the same as yours. There were a few the slipped by at $99 but as of right now you got a better then average deal.
I think that the whole Jabba's palace collection is going to make Luke harder and harder to find in the future. The lower than average edition size, the fact that he's the main character in the OT, the fact that he's the very first figure in the line--all of this means that Luke's value is going nowhere but up as the line continues to grow.
You know what else is going up in price thanks to SS?

photo by Amir at rebelscum.com
Tell me that speeder doesn't look awesome with SS Luke!
tomandshell said:
I think that the whole Jabba's palace collection is going to make Luke harder and harder to find in the future. The lower than average edition size, the fact that he's the main character in the OT, the fact that he's the very first figure in the line--all of this means that Luke's value is going nowhere but up as the line continues to grow.

I'm still looking for just another reg. Luke for Jabba's palace. I have a feeling that even that one will be $100 by the beginning of next year.
Well Im glad yall think I didnt get screwed on it. It was a BIN and the guy had good feedback. I was so excited about getting one of these. It took me a while to finish and pay. It said that it would take about 3 days shipping time and he usually shipped everything out in a day.
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pixletwin said:
You know what else is going up in price thanks to SS?

photo by Amir at rebelscum.com
Tell me that speeder doesn't look awesome with SS Luke!
I have all three version of the speeder bike getting the scoutrooper one for my b-day last year so I dont need any of the them, but I guess it will make these go up especially the Luke. Take Lukes Poncho and Helmet and put it on the Sideshow and you have an awesome Endor Luke on Speeder.
jason2885 said:
I have all three version of the speeder bike getting the scoutrooper one for my b-day last year so I dont need any of the them, but I guess it will make these go up especially the Luke. Take Lukes Poncho and Helmet and put it on the Sideshow and you have an awesome Endor Luke on Speeder.
Wow how funny is this, look what i just found.
Yeah, I told Khev about this in another thread since he wants every version of Luke Lucas ever created.
Did the person actually do any work to figure or did he just accessory swap.

I am just really excited about getting my exclusive version. After that all I have to do is get Sideshow to send me Vader box to me and I will have no problems at all.
galactiboy said:
Oops... guess not. Increase of $60 in just the last minute, gotta love sniping :lol
Hey still not to bad, a lot less then most. I had been watching it, just to see how high it might go. Could have been a great peice to trade.
Alrighty I got a better deal by 16 cents. :D
I was watching this one last night and thought someone would get a deal. Mine was BIN and its getting shipped double boxed.
jason2885 said:
Last night I found a Jedi Luke Exclusive for $134 on ebay shipped and bought it. :chew I am so happy to finally have a skiff blaster. Does everyone think that was a good deal or not. I cant wait to get ahold of this one and I guess I can open and play with the regular edition that I have. I now have every exclusive edition as soon as it gets here. Just hope I dont have to miss anymore of them.
I would like to thank all of you that gave me info about buying on ebay. I was so excited that I also bought two Episode 1 figures TC-14 and R2-B1 together that I was missing.

good deal!!! better than this:

