I Just Finished Watching Angel

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Super Freak
Aug 23, 2006
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Indianapolis, IN
WOW!!! I never watched Buffy, but I thought I'd give Angel a shot since it was supposed to be darker.

What an awesome show!! It's really a shame that it was cancelled early. The 5th season definitely felt rushed.

I am now watching Dollhouse and am completely hooked on anything Joss Whedon. I have Firefly in my netflix queue, and have already seen Serenity.

How is Buffy compared to Angel? I always got the impression that it was cheesier.

Anyway, as a result of all this, I picked up the Angel and Spike SS figures, and will probably be picking up more. Too bad they didn't do Gunn and Wesley figures.
The episode of Angel where Spike is being tortured by the reaper was my favorite episode. :rock :rock

That being said, Buffy is very cheese but it's not horrible cheese. It's intentional to be funny and Buffy has it's fair share of dark parts. Towards the end Buffy gets really dark. If you liked Angel you will LOVE Buffy. It really goes hand in hand, if you like one you'll like the other. You gotta check it out.
I really enjoyed Angel in all of its seasons. A very "strong" show indeed. IMO, Buffy tops Angel. It paved the way for Angel. IMO, Buffy gives the viewers more of the "complete" package in terms of action, humor, suspense, etc. But I do agree, the basis of Angel as a whole was "darker" than Buffy.

Buffy will always be my number #1 and to watch Angel and NOT watch Buffy would be a great injustice. I feel in order to really appreciate all that occurs in Angel, you need to watch Buffy. You get to see the "roots" of Angel, Cordy, and Wesley, and that is priceless.
Angel is a very good show and will always remain on my top 5 list. But Buffy far surpasses Angel in my opinion. So I would definitely give that a whirl.

Firefly is my second favorite show so I definitely believe you will fall right in love with it! It's just hard not to. It's that good.

But yay for you getting into the whedonverse. You will not be disappointed.
it's seem to me Angel was more dark and seem more Adult and Buffy was more about gowning up and becoming a Adult. Buffy a Great show and always Be in my heart, But Angel to me was better but then again with no Buffy there would be no Angel plus it good to see where Angel came from.
You got 7 seasons of awesomeness ahead of you.

I can't tell you how jelaous I am.

Of course, not all fans of Angel love Buffy, but you gotta give it a try.

I think you can watch it for free on hulu.

I agree with thevampirewithsoul/ about Buffy being a show with the theme "growing up" while Angel is more about being a grown up.

But Buffy deals more with day to day issues for teens and young adults with supernatural troubles, while Angel is more of detective/action show about the supernatural troubles of a jaded outsider that's trying to be a part of the world, and occasionally has day to day trouble.

It's interesting to see how both the characters Buffy and Angel are trying to be apart of the world and society, fighting evil. But since one is a young woman newly chosen and the other one a old jaded disconnected vampire, the shows don't exactly have the same vibe.
Neehar, no one, no one writes characters better than Whedon. You'll be surprised just how quickly you lose the distraction that Buffy is in high school. Of course HS only lasts 3 seasons then you have college and real life so theres so much more than just a teen show.
Thanks so much for everyone's comments! I will definitely check out Buffy then. Right after I finish Dollhouse, and Firefly, and Dr. Horrible... :)

I've seen the first 8 episodes of Dollhouse so far and love it. Whedon is amazing!!
Just some fair warning about Buffy....the first season is pretty cheesy, but it just got better and better over the years. Don't give up on it if you find season 1 isn't your cup of tea. Just my two cents.
Definitely check out Buffy. I started on Angel as well, and loved it - when I started watching Buffy, however, I enjoyed it much more. It's cheesy but it's uncanny how well it works.
Alright, you have convinced me. Now it's time to convince my wife. We both LOVED every moment of Angel. She has quite a hang up that it's going to be very cheesy, and will not be able to get past that.

Can you guys essentially "sell" Buffy to me so that I can sell it to her? She's convinced that you guys like it, but is not yet convinced that she will.

Please help!!!