I Think I had a wish granted from Sideshow !!!

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Super Freak
Sep 22, 2010
Reaction score
South of Heaven
Yesterday a Huge package shows up on my door:blissy 13 pounds with a " Do Not open til the Holidays !we will know":yess:

what could it be I ask for a t-shirt or something for my wife (janda13) ?
My wife Smiled really Big and Had tears in her eyes :1-1: so i think She ask for something for Me .

what a great feeling i want to open it so Bad but the wife threaten Me with a beating if I did :thwak
it has to be a PF by the weight I never could afford such a wonderful Piece although I subject my wife to" hey look at this how cool is that ?"all the time :lol

Thank you Sideshow !!!!!and thank you My wonderful Wife i have never been so excited in my life.I feel like a Kid waiting for Christmas to open my present OH GOD WHAT CAN IT BE !!!!!! :impatient:
we have fell on some hard times this last year with me losing My Job This is truly a Blessing to the both of us .But the wait is KILLING me:thud:
That sounds awesome-you better update us with pictures once you open that bad boy on up!

A little good fortune on the holidays is a great thing, especially after a rough year.
Really glad to hear this, bro.
Keep your head up and stay positive.

No matter what, rest assured, you've got a good spouse that will be right there with you.
Thank you Guys it really has been a rough year for us both and something like this Brought a huge feeling of Joy .My wife keeps Laughing at me cause I keep hugging it Like a Kid HAHA.
She is a keeper she Loves My collection of Horror Figures and have been really supportive of it.
anytime i have said i was going to sell something to help us out she stands her ground puts her hand on her hip and say "Hell No you are not selling Anything "
I don't Know it is double the size of the Crimson guard i won during spooktacular and the weight says 13 pounds UPS delivered it on the Bottom it has a marker written(197) Maybe 197 out of ???? :pray:

I have been looking on the web site trying to figure out what is could be of all the ones i have shown my wife but they all seem to weight the same .

If this is a PF it will be My very first one I am super stoked Maybe i should sneak a peek when the wife is asleep But then Sideshow would Know and send the Sideshow squad to rough me up for opening it early HAHA
My wish was granted 2 years ago when I was having a rough 6 months.. its a very nice feeling isn't it. Don't read the card thats on the box either because there could be a hint to what it is.
HMMMM did not see a Card unless my wife got to it before I did She did answer the door yesterday and called me in and asked what I had ordered? with a grin and I laugh and said yeah right you know I have no money and then I looked and WOW it was address to me from Sideshow .it is a wonderful feeling I am so excited
You know, I'm trying to guess what could be in the box, and I've come to realize, if she got you this:



...then let me know if your wife has a sister.
Wow, cool story bro. Congrats and post up pics when you do get to open it! Happy holidays!
You know, I'm trying to guess what could be in the box, and I've come to realize, if she got you this:



...then let me know if your wife has a sister.

now that would be Awesome !!!!!!:clap she has a sister But she is not as cool as my wife she is a little :cuckoo:
And so it begins...

Congrats! And don't listen to those guys. Save it for Christmas else the Mistress will be on your ass.