Making books is really easy:
1st gather your materials. You can pick up evergreen plastics precut strips for about $2.50 for a pack of 8 or 10 and a sheet of very thin styrene.
For this book I chose to make my dimensions of the inner frame 1 1/4" X 1 1/2".
I measured the pieces and mark them.
Score them and just bend them and you get a nice clean snap.
Trim the small pieces so they have a nice crescent shape on one side. I did the reverse on the other side to give it a more bookish look but in a case it wont really matter.
Glue your other pieces into a little box shape.
Next place it on the sheet and mark where you need to cut it. Remember to make it bigger than your "pages". Then score your sheet along the line you measured, bend it until it snaps.
Glue your "pages" to the sheet.
Let it dry a couple minutes then fold the other side over and mark where your cover should end, mark it, draw a line, score and break it.
apply some glue to the opposite sides of the "pages" box and fold it over and either hold it or tape it in place.
Then you're book is done once the glue dries.
Add some paint or decals or whatever you like and you have the beginning of your library. I started at 11:38 and was finished by 12:08 and I even folded a load of laundry while my glue set.