InArt: 1/6 Superman (Cavill)

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I'm not a snyderbro but I don't dislike him. I like ZSJL, MOS, and BvS director's cut.

I don't dislike Gunn either. I like his SS and Peacemaker series.

Both can coexist but somehow it's one or the other for a lot of the forum members here.
I love all that you just listed along with the WW , Flash and both Aquabro movies .
Show what? The glue residue?
Don’t see how no one has noticed, but sure..
My hawk eye missed that… so many issues I have a feel they rushed production. I hope glue won’t turn brown after few months like it happened with HT BvS figure. However I have never noticed any leaked glue on HT Superman figures I own them all. None of them have any suit damages or any visible defects. Only common issue HT Superman figures have is that sometimes symbol isn’t perfectly centered on the chest. My BvS figure has that issue, sometimes it is weirdly stretched and off center. Haven’t noticed that on InArt figures yet.