Yes and no.
Ebay has changed a lot over the past few years.
My suggestion is trying to sell a few small things, maybe once a week to start to get a feel for it. See if it's something you will mesh with and can accept the good/bad of it.
My other suggestion is to create a second Ebay account. Use it to buy a few things and build a little feedback. Then use that account to sell with.
It's easier for new sellers and it's harder at the same time. There's a lot of streamlining that didn't exist in the old days. ( You had to create your own invoices in the old days. Everything was more "open" in terms of information) At the same time there are a lot of rules and distinctions that make selling sort of complicated. ( Forced to use PayPal, DSR rating system, feedback changes)
Couple of early starting points
- Learn to write very simple HTML code in Notepad and focus on building a solid HTML template for your auctions
- Get a free photo hosting service ( Flickr is a good one)
- Start a free checking account ISOLATED from the rest of your banking and accounts and funds. Register with PayPal, Google Checkout and Revolution Money Exchange. Take the time to read their Terms Of Service.
- Find a local source of free boxes and packing materials ( hardware stores are a good choice)
Those are good places to start. You can also check out some books on Ebay at your public library ( they will discuss basic core concepts, they will not discuss focused run and gun tactics/counter tactics) The latter is something you will pick up on your own or learn from watching other sellers.
Good luck