Jabba 12" Image Thread

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I'm looking forward to seeing some images in the image thread. :lol

What are we up to, 382 posts and 4 pics?
Based on images, I'd still have to say to me, SSC Jabba is the #1 Jabba representation ever made in 3D form of any scale, when it comes to accurracy, I'd give the '83 Hasbro figure strong points for sentimental value. As far as ranking other collectibles, the IC Jabba looks like it'd post a strong #2 with Hasbro's '83 figure at #3, GG's upcoming statue at #4, and the 2004 Ultra Jabba at #5.

Now, 2 out of 5, I have, c'mon Sideshow, get me numero uno.
So the Jabba image thread has those pictures that started us of, getting us Jabba fans all crazy, and a few boxed shots, but has anybody who has taken pictures of the box opened the darned thing yet! Thanks again to our collector friends who already have Jabba and took pics, but I need more pictures of the Almighty Jabba!!!

And his almighty shipping notice!!!
But he's also still at 30 days, you figure though, last week he was posted at 30 days, so the first shipment would be ballpark mid February and then I'm guessing the next shipments will cover through the end of February and possibly into early March, I think they posted that to cover for the split shipping, I just hope mine's on that first boat.
I just need a good break between Legolas and Plo Koon. This semester is the worst ever financially; i had to spend over $450 on books, plus rent and phone bills means I have...

...about $200 to last me until May. Hence why there'll be no Jabba for me. :rolleyes: Everybody pray that I get the teaching position I applied for--it's a great job and it would save my life! Well, at least I have my scholarships at all. Remember kids--it pays to get good grades. Like, seriously, I get paid for it. Kinda wierd when you think about it LOL.
I would say that's when the second part is. I'm gonna have to ask though to make sure. I want this Jabba set up ASAP.
well I chose the FLEXpay throne and if payment dates are any indication I won't see mine until after the first week in Feb .

It could be the first partial shipment goes to people with the FLEXpay option
jlcmsu said:
I would say that's when the second part is. I'm gonna have to ask though to make sure. I want this Jabba set up ASAP.

I emailed SSC cust service about the shipping info with Jabba to clear up the matter, I'll post what I hear back when I get their response.
MaulFan said:
I emailed SSC cust service about the shipping info with Jabba to clear up the matter, I'll post what I hear back when I get their response.

Cool thanks MF!

Batty said:
Josh, do you have a place to set Jabba up?

Kind of. I got one place I will put it for now and another place once I move some stuff.
Captain Aldeggon said:
I just need a good break between Legolas and Plo Koon. This semester is the worst ever financially; i had to spend over $450 on books, plus rent and phone bills means I have...

...about $200 to last me until May. Hence why there'll be no Jabba for me. :rolleyes: Everybody pray that I get the teaching position I applied for--it's a great job and it would save my life! Well, at least I have my scholarships at all. Remember kids--it pays to get good grades. Like, seriously, I get paid for it. Kinda wierd when you think about it LOL.
Dont call home and that will cut back on the expenses:lol

Seriously though where are you trying to get a teaching job? If you are looking around home PM me I can help tell you which districts are better paying. My Dad has been a teacher for 33 years and he knows most of the districts and other cool tricks.
Heyyy mfoga, if my whole lawyer thing doesnt pan out I may just keep you in mind. Teaching was my first choice oddly enough and there are ways to get an alternative certification. I hear CA calling my name every time SS ships something and it takes a week to get to me.