That's the reason I get bothered by some of the negativity that comes along, I understand people wanting to affect change, but it just seems like the spirit of passionate, boyhood enjoyment of collecting has been lost in a pursuit of unrealistic expectations because no matter what changes are made something will always fall short. I admit I find flaws in things too, but the bottom line, there's nothing more thrilling than scoring a saught after collectible and lighting up in your heart like a child on Christmas morning and taking great joy in the things you own. No one has ever seen my collection to it's fullest outside of my family and girlfriend, none of my friends have really seen it, I collect on my own in a private world and I get the greatest joy in the world out of, well my girlfriend and love for her is greater, but I think you all know what I mean. Most people say they are adults with an inner child, I say I'm a child with an inner adult, and the child side of me is having the time of his life with all of these collectibles.