Justice League-It's Official

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Super Freak
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
The Batcave


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Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

I thought Batman vs. Superman was a Justice League movie?:monkey3
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Batman vs. Superman vs. Wonder Woman vs. Cyborg vs. Whoever-the-hell-Jason Momoa-is-playing vs. Marvel???
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Whether this film is the biggest success in the history of film, or a total train wreck, I'm ecstatic, because, at the end of the day, it means progress. If it works great, then WB know it works; if it fails, then they know they need to try something else. I'm looking at this as a big picture kind of guy. If everyone used the Marvel method for the next century, it would get boring, because there would be no innovation. Will I be sad if this movie fails? Absolutely, but progress means taking risks, some will pay off, some won't; that's just the nature of the game.

I just appreciate that DC isn't solely relying on Batman anymore. The Nolan films were wonderful and I'll forever cherish them, but the DC Universe is such a vast and rich landscape for unique storytelling, filled with iconic characters, and I appreciate WB pushing to innovate, regardless of how it turns out, as, at least, they're trying. With that in mind, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, because I don't think one film is really a "track record." If Batman Vs. Superman is terrible, I'll eat my words, but, even so, Man of Steel was a great film, to me, at least. I said before that everyone's entitled to an opinion, but I think a lot of the hate that the film gets is due to it being different than people expected, which, frankly, I find to be an unfair way to judge a film.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

WB's attempts to outdo Marvel is really futile, and I'm a DC fan!

Too bad WB will completely ignore any requests to get the Justice League Animated Series writers on board the project. After all, it's all about big names and making money. not writing a worthwhile JL story. I guess we'll just have to learn to accept that.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Ugh. It seems that everyone has their minds made up already. I swear, this could be the greatest thing since sliced bread, and people would still say it was garbage. I'm just so sick of the negativity everywhere. "Marvel this, Marvel that"...who the **** cares? At the end of the day, I'm a comic book fan. I'd be hoping DC could pull it off even if I wasn't a DC fan, because, frankly, the more comic book movies, the better. Yet, everybody goes around picking sides and acting like it needs to be a big competition. It's so damned petty.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Latino Review:slap

I'm waiting to hear it directly from someone at WB. They had Cranston as Lex and Bale coming back as Batman, and they also said what wound up being BvS was going to be Justice League, not BvS. they only get things right after the fact when things are officially announced.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

I feel the opposite.

After Avengers 2: Age of Ultron (or Cap 3 considering that's the latest trajectory for Marvel films) in 2015 and Batman vs. Superman in 2016, I wouldn't care if this whole comic book movie thing ends permanently. Marvel, DC, Warner Bros. Disney, Sony, Fox, whatever. I hope the whole thing implodes after they all get it out of their systems.

Why? These were movies we could only dream of in our youths, and they're finally happening. Granted, I haven't been around quite as long as you have, but the point still stands? If they're great quality films with great stories to tell (as the Marvel films are/Man of Steel was(though, the latter is, admittedly, a bit divisive)), why should it matter if they star comic book heroes?
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Latino Review:slap

I'm waiting to hear it directly from someone at WB. They had Cranston as Lex and Bale coming back as Batman, and they also said what wound up being BvS was going to be Justice League, not BvS. they only get things right after the fact when things are officially announced.

I only included that one because I couldn't find a link to the one by The Wrap.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

I only included that one because I couldn't find a link to the one by The Wrap.

:lol yah, i just need to hear it direct from someone at WB. So many rumors get thrown out there. The other day Gina Carano was interviewed and she said she was never approached to do WW. But a lot of people were saying she was in the mix. Same with Cranston, he was never asked to read for Lex, but some places reported he got the role, even our local newspaper had it on their website Cranston was Lex. Very far from the actual truth.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Wait, are you talking about the 2017 thing or the actual fact that they're making Justice League? If the latter, it's confirmed that Justice League is definitely happening. Greg Silverman from WB announced it to The Wall Street Journal in that first link.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

I personally think planning ahead for this is ridiculous. They don't even know if they can handle Batman vs. Superman and pushed it back to 2016. I don't know what makes them so confident with a Justice League movie when their main concern isn't even close to being out the door yet. It just reeks of trying to keep up with the times where these studios have a concrete plan for future installments. It's whatever.

I blame Marvel Studios.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

This will be a disaster, especially with Hack Synder at the helm.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Why? These were movies we could only dream of in our youths, and they're finally happening. Granted, I haven't been around quite as long as you have, but the point still stands? If they're great quality films with great stories to tell (as the Marvel films are/Man of Steel was(though, the latter is, admittedly, a bit divisive)), why should it matter if they star comic book heroes?
The cynicism is justified though - you should at least be able to acknowledge that. :lol

I'm not a 'side taker' by any means - if I like it, that's what matters to me. The thing is though, the record speaks for itself; both have noteworthy stinkers, but DC/WB just don't have their heads right yet about what the **** they want. This whole conversation is as circular as it gets. It's getting painful.. :lol
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

I feel the opposite.

After Avengers 2: Age of Ultron (or Cap 3 considering that's the latest trajectory for Marvel films) in 2015 and Batman vs. Superman in 2016, I wouldn't care if this whole comic book movie thing ends permanently. Marvel, DC, Warner Bros. Disney, Sony, Fox, whatever. I hope the whole thing implodes after they all get it out of their systems.

pfft. Archie movie will follow.

Bieber, Efron, Fassbender....iron man will rust.
Re: Justice League- Oh yes, it's happenin'.

Even though it was expected this would be coming I'm with batfan, super excited to get an official announcement that justice league is definitely on its way. I really hope its a success and leads to spin off movies for Ben Affleck solo batman movies (with robin and Nightwing), a new green lantern movie, the flash etc. Also, Warner bros are concentrating on shazam apparently, I wonder if that'll be a part of the same universe as justice league, man of steel etc.

Also, can't help but think; hot toys justice league?? That'd blow my tiny little mind.
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