Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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That iron Flash costume is among the worst comic-to-screen adaptations ever. How is that an improvement over the TV show?

Aquaman: F
Batman: C
Flash: F-
Superman: D
Wonder Woman: A
Cyborg (should have been Stewart GL): D

I agree with all your ratings. :hi5:

Although it still could've been worse. Imagine if Fox had the rights and Bryan Singer was in charge. They'd all be clad in black leather like all his crappy X-Men costumes!! :lol
I really liked the old Flash suit too. Looked great when it came out and still the best. I am sure it was really hot though to wear
Aquaman ---------- 6/10
Batman ----------- 8/10
Cyborg ----------- 6/10
Flash ------------ 9/10
Superman ------- 9/10
Wonder Woman - 7/10
What do you think will happen at comic con?

My guess is they bring out the cast, show a prettttty good trailer, then bring out whedon to really excite the masses. "DID YOU GUYS LIKE WONDER WOMAN?!" Hrraaaahhhhh! Woooooo!

Then the movie comes out and it sucks.
What do you think will happen at comic con?

My guess is they bring out the cast, show a prettttty good trailer, then bring out whedon to really excite the masses. "DID YOU GUYS LIKE WONDER WOMAN?!" Hrraaaahhhhh! Woooooo!

Then the movie comes out and it sucks.
Im so glad you got your time machine working because I would bet thats exactly what happens.:lol
With the success of Wonder Woman is anyone remembering the end of BvS and what's going on? She's probably the main draw for many of the casual fans.
They should change the movie's name to "Wonder Woman and the Justice League".

Wonder Woman and her Amazing Friends?
After seeing how big and important and just plain epic IW is going to be - yeah JL looks rather pedestrian and lightweight. Too late now to change that but hope the characters will have some nice moments and the ending isn't just a lightning bolts CGI lightshow- we all have had enough of that in end battles(even WW)
To be fair, Infinity War is the third Avengers movie. JL is the first time these characters (not even the full League) have been together on-screen. It'll probably be on about the same scale as the first Avengers, where we just see the heroes team-up and fight a bunch of alien soldiers.

I wouldn't expect anything huge until Darkseid shows up.
Nice watch.

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