Justice League Movie (Nov 17th, 2017)

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Look at their shoulder positions why is Batman behind WW but in front of Cyborg.

It's a mess lol

I thought that looked awesome. Wonder woman looks hot.
Flash is probably gonna be the best character ( the most relatable)
Aquaman is great, the falling on the alien was awesome.
I think its gonna be fun

Cyborg still looks retarded as hell
Uh, that looks pretty good actually. Will probably watch in theaters. One question though, who was Alfred talking to at the end. They want us to think it's Superman but I have a feeling is someone else. Who is big enough in the DC universe to make the ground shake like that?

Martian Manhunter is the rumor.
Yeah but, when did the ground ever shake like that with Superman? Whoever that is, walks with the same subtlety as a T-Rex.

Hahahahahahahah. Remember in his casket the dirt rose? So water ripples doesn't surprise me LOL

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Considering they never established Superman as a beacon of hope, that Batfleck line is ********. I'll still see this one though because I'm apparently unable to stop myself from having some small hope that WB will do these characters justice. It's annoying though that the film appears to be 90% CGI.
Not sure what point you're making. :dunno

Is that super girl at the 1:40 mark when bruce Wayne is looking at the projected image?
i thought the same thing, but upon review i think is just a composite of supes.

I loved as his lines.
They just disappeared like that? Well thats just rude

He might be my favorite when i see the movie

great lines and a great suit. i'm excited to see more too.