Kickstarter Project that may be of interest to 3 3/4" Joe collectors

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Sep 9, 2005
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I pretty cool project I found a link for on the Fwoosh for some customizable military figures. I don't usually buy into these kickstarter projects (only have supported the Legendary Monsters figure line) but I thought these were cool enough to buy in on. Went with the Commodore level which gives me 4 of each of the standard figures and 1 free "stretch" goal additions, which so far looks like its going to be 2 more figures and a bunch more accessories. They are close to unlocking another level at $150,000. It would be cool to unlock that third figure though.

Just thought I'd pass this along to anyone that might be interested as there is only 3 more days left!
I checked out the kickstarter and these figures look really cool. But the price is off putting, $20 for a 3.3/4 figure that doesn't come with any weapons or grenades and has limited accessories. I read that they'll include some weapons if they reach the Maynard stretch goal but that doesn't seem possible at the moment (25 hours to go and the stretch goal is $58,455 away). Also the additional accessory options are only available to much higher backers ($100+ seams to be the best values but way above my price range).
If these were in stores I would buy them though.
I think that is the hope someday. These kickstarters are used to get things off the ground afterall.

At the $195 level you get 12 figures (4 of each desert, urban, and night ops or 12 of any of those colors) and 1 free of each stretch goal (all of those different levels of gears and the 2 unlocked bonus figures - green and blue). They're about $15,000 from unlocking the Artic figure. So if that happens, you'd get 15 figures and a lot of gear for around $13 each. For a start up company that's not a bad deal IMO when real Joes are $10+ at retail. So that is what I went for as it seems like the least cost to gain ratio of the bunch. Each upgrade is worth $15 and at the Artic trooper level that would be the 10th unlock level, or $150 worth of free upgrades added to the Commodore level.

Plus right now they've thrown in a bonus skull mask head for anyone buying a figure as a kickstarter exclusive. Even if they fall short of the Artic trooper, 9 free upgrades made it worthwhile to me.

This isn't for everyone of course, but like I said, it may be of interest to some and if anything its just encouraging to see the support for Joe related figures/scale is still very healthy.
I think that is the hope someday. These kickstarters are used to get things off the ground afterall.

At the $195 level you get 12 figures (4 of each desert, urban, and night ops or 12 of any of those colors) and 1 free of each stretch goal (all of those different levels of gears and the 2 unlocked bonus figures - green and blue). They're about $15,000 from unlocking the Artic figure. So if that happens, you'd get 15 figures and a lot of gear for around $13 each. For a start up company that's not a bad deal IMO when real Joes are $10+ at retail. So that is what I went for as it seems like the least cost to gain ratio of the bunch. Each upgrade is worth $15 and at the Artic trooper level that would be the 10th unlock level, or $150 worth of free upgrades added to the Commodore level.

Plus right now they've thrown in a bonus skull mask head for anyone buying a figure as a kickstarter exclusive. Even if they fall short of the Artic trooper, 9 free upgrades made it worthwhile to me.

This isn't for everyone of course, but like I said, it may be of interest to some and if anything its just encouraging to see the support for Joe related figures/scale is still very healthy.

At the bottom of the page in the question section they do say these will become available on their website Marader Gun Runners so yes these will be available to buy online.
After we pack and ship the Kickstarter pre-orders, we will then make the items live on our website: The figures and accessories will be available individually an in sets (just like our currently available gear).
Yeah that $195 level is tempting, after looking through everything it's the best lowest value, just way more then I could pay.
I did break down and pledge $19 for the Night Ops Marader. I also wanted to get the Urban Ops Marader, but that's all I could afford at the moment. I'll try and get one when they become available on their website.

So I'll also get the Skull mask head with my figure? Sweet!
Yeah that $195 level is tempting, after looking through everything it's the best lowest value, just way more then I could pay.
I did break down and pledge $19 for the Night Ops Marader. I also wanted to get the Urban Ops Marader, but that's all I could afford at the moment. I'll try and get one when they become available on their website.

So I'll also get the Skull mask head with my figure? Sweet!

That was my feeling too. The commodore level is at a reasonable price and has the most free add ons included for the least amount of cost. Its looking like the 10th level will likely unlock tomorrow giving us the artic trooper. With that 10th level unlocked, that would be $150 in free stretch goal add ons. That's about 3/4 the cost of the commodore set right there! So I'm pretty pleased with that return rate.

And yeah, its cool everyone getting a figure will get that skull mask. If this series really takes off those could be quite sought after items as everyone only gets ONE regardless of their contribution level, meaning there will only be around 1,000 of them. Glad you were able to get at least one thing SM! :rock
So, if I'm reading this correctly, a 195 level contributor is going to end up with 23 or so figures? If so that's pretty freaking nice considering that's less than Walmart charges for run of the mill figs unless you're looking at their new Star wars figures with only like 5 articulation points.

Wish I'd seen this earlier, really tempted to jump, but don't have much time to decide now.
Yeah, just 3 hours left now. Its now or never! And they've unlocked 11 stretch goals so far and are only $3,000 away from the 12th, which is a red trooper! Crazy! I was hoping we'd just get the arctic trooper today but now we're also getting his gear and probably another figure too! That's 12 stretch goals at $15 = $180 in extras alone if you get a commodore level. That's practically doubling your haul! Go for it!
Wow! This skyrocketed in the past 24 hours! I hope they reach the Maynard level, need some weapons!
Too bad I can't use paypal on this, I'd buy another figure.
That night ops figure looks like Snake Eyes and a Jin Roh had a baby. Very awesome details for such small figures, I have to keep reminding myself these aren't 6" , but that's what they resemble.
Wow! Just hit $225,000! Maynard should unlock now which means every figure now gets a rifle and pistol! :rock Totally didn't expect that to unlock!
This last day has made amazing progress. I thought hoping for the artic figure but we blew way past that and its still going strong. It wouldn't surprise me if they reach the Nathaniel level now! :google
Good News, production is complete and these are hopefully going to start shipping in December.
Hey Marauder Task Force Team members!

Thank you again for your tremendous support and patience throughout the Marauder Task Force Kickstarter project! We have worked hard on the project and attempted to keep you all involved during the development & production stages. We understood the complexities of “gun-running”….but taking on the task of producing a complete action figure was uncharted territory. Think of going from riding a bike to flying an airplane…quite the learning curve! Good thing we did NOT know it was considered almost impossible to go from hand prototypes to ACTUAL finished production items in less than 6 months! In this case, ignorance was a blessing!

We are DELIGHTED to say we are still on track to hit our goal to ship the Kickstarter Pre-orders in December! After all the production issues and problems we worked through…production is officially COMPLETE! The final finished production figures and accessories have left the factory and are on their way to our warehouse! Once the shipment arrives, there is still a tremendous amount of prep work that needs to be done to get the items ready to ship and there is the need to pick & ship around 1300 orders. But just wanted to share the feeling of accomplishment at reaching this step in the project with all of you! Again, if it wasn’t for YOU…this project would never have happened.

On a related note, PLEASE be sure your shipping address is correct in the FUNDAFULL website. If your address is already correct on the Fundafull site, we are all set and you need to do NOTHING. If you have moved, and have not updated your address, NOW is the time to correct your shipping info. If you have yet to register with Fundafull (yes, there are still several folks that have not done so), NOW is your last chance to submit your info. We are NOT sending out a “Kickstarter Survey” nor will we request or accept any shipping info through the Kickstarter website…ALL SHIPPING INFO MUST GO THROUGH THE FUNDAFULL WEBSITE. We are printing out all the orders from the Fundafull site on the morning of November 17th . NO ADDRESS changes will be possible after the 17th. The orders won’t ship until later, but we need to get the orders organized in advance for a smooth order flow process.

As always, thank you for your support!

MJ & the entire Marauder GR Team

Looking forward to these, I wish I had bought the Dark Green "Field Ops" set, but couldn't at my pledge level. I'm hoping something similar will be regularly available on the website in the future.
These started shipping and I received my Night-Ops figure in the mail!
The figure itself is really nice; great detail, proportions, articulation, and accessories!
The modular pouch system is a nice feature, just that the pouches like to fall off a bit too easily. They recommend using a water based glue to temporarily fix the pouches in place, anyone have an idea on what's the best glue to use that can be removed later without damaging the figure?
The articulation is wonderful! much better than Hasbro Joes and not too stiff. The ball jointed waist is especially awesome.
He came with three holsters, two small left and right side holsters, and one larger Molle type holster, a Desert Eagle and a Barret Sniper rifle with bipod. The magazines aren't removable but are nicely detailed. The handgun fits perfectly in the holsters. He also comes with two knives, both are painted and identical but have two different sheaths. The web harness looks good, flexible but not too flexible and fits well on the figure.

The exclusive skull mask head is very well done, painted sharply and other than the knives is the only thing painted in this set.

Overall a great figure, fits in nicely with GI Joe (although the Marauder has better articulation and detail) I'd love to get more someday and if the Vitruvian Hacks are anywhere as good I'll be thrilled!