Left 4 Dead 2 boycott and unsavory reactions

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Is it too soon for Left 4 Dead 2?

  • No

    Votes: 26 56.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 20 43.5%

  • Total voters


Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
As many of you know, Left 4 Dead 2 was announced at E3 last week. The reaction from many enthusiast press websites were lukewarm and and fan opinions were relatively mixed, with a large portion being negative. Many owners of the first Left 4 Dead questioned Valve's decision to release a full numbered sequel that, from what has been seen, amounts to little more than new characters, new weapons, and new environments --updates that could have been made available via DLC, content that had been promised for L4D1 .

Karma posted a link to the boycott a few days ago (here: https://www.newgamenetwork.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=179), but I thought it warranted further discussion. And a Hitler meme video always deserves its own thread. :D

Valve has had a long tradition of supporting their titles for years after release (on pc, anyway), and many people have seen the announcement of L4D2 as a move that immediately depreciates the potential value of the first game. The original L4D was $50/$60 and was arguably paltry on content. There has not been an announcement on pricing for the sequel.

There is a group on Steam Community that means to boycott L4D2, and as of now has gained almost 15,000 members: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/L4D2boycott

There has also been a reactionary Hitler - L4D2 meme vid released on youtube in June 4th following L4D2's announcement:

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/GQe4tlsfRbY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/GQe4tlsfRbY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

Kotaku explains the situation:

L4D Sequel Met with Much More than Indifference

Whatever your view is of internet boycotts, Left 4 Dead might be the first critically acclaimed franchise whose announcement of a sequel was answered by nearly 10,000 fans pledging not to buy it.

Since the game was unveiled June 1 at E3, a Steam group called L4D Boycott (NO-L4D2) has assembled 9,742 members as of Saturday, and seems to be growing. Far from being enthused about a new game, they have nine complaints, most of which concern L4D2 obviating the need for, and undermining the value of, L4D1 - and just a year after the fact:

• Significant content for L4D1 was promised, and never delivered
• Valve put little faith in L4D1 since they almost certainly started working on L4D2 right after release
• The fact that L4D2 is nearly identical to L4D1 will decimate the community for both games
• The announced date is not nearly enough time to polish content or make significant gameplay changes
• The new character designs seem bland and unappealing so far
• L4D2 is too bright to fit in with L4D1's visual aesthetic
• The fiddle-based horde music is extremely disliked, though the differently orchestrated music is otherwise welcome
• L4D2's release will result in a drop in quality and frequency for L4D1 content, even compared to before
• The community has lost faith in Valve's former reputation for commitment to their games post-release

There are accusations and recriminations that Valve forum posts referencing the boycott have resulted in sanctions, removals, and banishments (or "points" accrued toward such action.) And you can tell a movement has hit its stride when it gets a Hitler-Downfall Meme video (which is, all things considered, kind of funny. Especially the bit about achievements).

When L4D2 was announced at E3, my first thoughts held cheap my copy of the first game. Even after reading McWhertor's extended impressions, I'm not really seeing how this sequel doesn't do something a series of DLC packs couldn't also accomplish. Maybe I'm not a game developer; so are a supermajority of L4D players, and so Valve will have to answer these questions right up to its release date, and then some.

For in all its justifications of L4D2, Valve is going to be faced with its own history regarding Team Fortress 2, one of the standard-bearers for how DLC can help evolve a game and sustain fans well after its release. Even if TF2 began as (and its updates remain exclusive to) a PC game, argumentatively, everyone will ask why the same thing can't be done with L4D, or at least its PC version.

That's about as down-the-middle as I can play it, because I do respect Valve's perfect right to do what it wishes with its own IP, and anyone in the industry would agree the success of L4D fairly demands a sequel. But doing it so soon, and in this form and context, one of the most respected and evangelized brands in gaming risks taking a dent to its reputation. The game we see in November must be night-and-day different from the original, and I don't mean new maps set in the New Orleans sunshine.

Myself, I'm looking forward to L4D2 but I can see how one could be frustrated. However, I do think it's a bit premature for this sort of reaction given how little anyone has seen of L4D2.
i'm also joining the boycott. i enjoyed the first game when i rented it, but it was incredibly too short for a purchase. i don't think there was enough downloadable support for this game when its supposed to be a complete online experience. i'm starting to feel this way about many games, especially call of duty. with a new game coming out every year they seem more focused on the next game instead of fully supporting and complimenting the current one at the same time. COD4 is one of my favorite online games...but i'm really pissed that we only got ONE freaking map pack for it and it was 4 months after release and nothing since.
I voted no. I will buy it and love it. I don't understand the difference between paying for an extra CD or paying for downloads over the course of a year. :dunno I loved the first game and I will love the second. :peace
Valve is a quality company, and made a quality game. Do I feel a shoe was dropped with L4D? To a degree: yes. It felt like half a game, but was beyond fun....A L4D2 game with the same bosses and bright enviornments seems...odd..

That said, the reaction by some is a bit much...

What was shown felt more like an expansion than a sequel...
lol... I love Hitler memes :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

I haven't played L4D, but based on what the article (and meme) is saying, Valve really seems to be shafting the players.
I really enjoyed L4D and am on the fence about the second one.

But, it's a helluva fun game, blasting the snot outa zombies!

Have the 4 Survivors nearly finished bashed. If I can just find a black "leather" vest to fit Francis's body (21st Misfit) I'll be set! :rolleyes:
If they release Part 2 and the quality is there and its a sizeable game, I am all for it. If its the same lenght of the original, it'll feel like a rip off..
I really think this will be just like LFD but with four different characters, four different scenarios and some different weapons. Maybe a new game mode thrown in. That's it. I'm not expecting much more than that from them.
I voted no. I will buy it and love it. I don't understand the difference between paying for an extra CD or paying for downloads over the course of a year. :dunno I loved the first game and I will love the second. :peace

DL was supposed to be free or cheap. The latest survival pack was free, and valve isn't the type of company to sell dl.
Valve is a smart company, there's no doubt they've seen the boycott group and are probably aware of the reactions to their L4D2 announcement. What they have to do is alter the perception of value proposition for the game. If it's merely an expansion pack in terms of total content, I hope they're smart enough to value price it. If not, then they better support the first game concurrently.
I'm boycotting where it counts by not buying it

L4D left me unimpressed
I voted no. I will buy it and love it. I don't understand the difference between paying for an extra CD or paying for downloads over the course of a year. :dunno I loved the first game and I will love the second. :peace

Well said. Agreed.
I voted no. I will buy it and love it. I don't understand the difference between paying for an extra CD or paying for downloads over the course of a year. :dunno I loved the first game and I will love the second. :peace

The downloads will keep the original game intact. Buying a new disc which is essentially a new game will case L4D 1 to be useless. So spending another 60 when they could release DLC at 800 points doesn't compare. 2400 MS points does not equate to 60 bucks that they are charging for L4D2. That is what pissed people off.
Valve is a smart company, there's no doubt they've seen the boycott group and are probably aware of the reactions to their L4D2 announcement. What they have to do is alter the perception of value proposition for the game. If it's merely an expansion pack in terms of total content, I hope they're smart enough to value price it. If not, then they better support the first game concurrently.

They are charging full price and it is a seperate game completely. It will just have all the fixes promised to the first one.
L4d1 was a fun game, but it was very short, and in a way they are kinda not supporting ther old game when they save all that stuff for a new release and everyone would drop 60 again.
Is this the first time a company has done this? heck no.
Ever heard of mass effect?

The bottom line about buying the next game should be judged from what you get initially, not on possible DLC. The first game was fun but NOT worth 60 since it was so short, if they try that with the next game, i aint buying it. Dont rely on promised DLC to be your decider when dropping 60 on a game.
Wasnt the force unleashed to have way more stuff for it as well, that game wasnt worth 60 either, frankly, not many games are (short of halo/gears/cod)

...but dont get me started on DLC either, i think that crap should be FREE once you buy the game (like bug fixes and stuff) or at least certainly cheaper ($2 a download pack/not 10-20). I feel like they are nickel and diming me when i get charged for a map pack or something.
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The downloads will keep the original game intact. Buying a new disc which is essentially a new game will case L4D 1 to be useless. So spending another 60 when they could release DLC at 800 points doesn't compare. 2400 MS points does not equate to 60 bucks that they are charging for L4D2. That is what pissed people off.

Yeah for maybe some maps. However, they are offering a completely new single player game. I can't think of a FPS that they actually added an entire new campaign mode just so they didn't have to come out with a new game. IMO people are getting pissy just to whine. Not very typical of harcore nerds huh? :lol

I actually applaud them for coming out with a new game. I am tired of spending money on downloads that should have been in the game. Hell now game manufactures are flaunting this right in our faces. How many times did you hear at E3 that DL content will be out the same day the game releases. LIKE THATS A GOOD THING! Put it in the ^^^^ing game to begin with and stop milking your consumers. ;)
Got the first L4D for Xmas, had it a few months and ditched it. Although not a bad game, for someone like myself that plays little to none online, the single player experience was very poor. Once I finished the 3 or 4 scenarios, I pretty much canned the game. If the single player experience is better in the L4D2 I'll definitely pick it up because I love zombie killing games.