LEGO Star Wars

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Ah, sigh. I remember seeing that when I went to Tuesday Morning store back in 2004 with mom. They had it for like $20 or so. A sealed set sold for $750 on Ebay just recently.
Ah, sigh. I remember seeing that when I went to Tuesday Morning store back in 2004 with mom. They had it for like $20 or so. A sealed set sold for $750 on Ebay just recently.

:( Oh man, that makes me sad. I'm sure they'll be revisiting Bespin sometime soon. Just about everthing else has been hit in the last few years aside from it. The cantina could use some love too.:lecture
:( Oh man, that makes me sad. I'm sure they'll be revisiting Bespin sometime soon. Just about everthing else has been hit in the last few years aside from it. The cantina could use some love too.:lecture

I also hope so! I looked at an early list for 2013 sets, and most everything was prequel or Clone Wars, besides the Rancor set of course. :monkey2
I do want more cantina and Jabba sets!
I also hope so! I looked at an early list for 2013 sets, and most everything was prequel or Clone Wars, besides the Rancor set of course. :monkey2
I do want more cantina and Jabba sets!

:( Arrgh! That sucks... I want nothing to do with the PT or CW stuff...

Yeah I saw that but am just now noticing the tiny carbon freezing portion in the upper right. Pretty meager for such an iconic scene that I would assume would lend itself quite well to being a full playset.

I'd love to see a few Cloud City sets in the future so the scenes could be properly fleshed out... Anything Mos Eisley would also be welcome.
We need some new sets with Greedo, Jawas, and Tusken Raiders. They haven't been released in any sets in a long time.
Father: "Ok son, you can choose one LEGO set for being such a good boy."

Son: "Ooo, I'll take the bar set with the armless buttface guy and the drunk patron figure."

If my son says the word patron by the age 4, I'll :lol my behind off.

My tie fighter came in last night from Amazon! :woo
Can't wait to break this open and build it!
I would have finished my Y-Wing in one night yesterday, but the sticker decals were missing, so I'll have to wait until they come in from Lego to complete it.
It's pretty basic and seemed really simple to me. If it weren't for the missing stickers, I probably would have completed it in about 2 hours. However, it does look very nice too. Perhaps it just seems easy since the Death Star was such a daunting task.
So I caved and picked up the new X-wing today... needless to say it is awesome! I'm always impressed by the engineering that goes into these and how I've never bought a set with a single piece missing :huh

5:00pm CST


7:15pm CST


What a difference 10+ years makes :panic: