Lifesize Bossk Bust

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This is a beautiful piece I'd never own. There are very few characters I'd even want to have in full 1:1 scale!!

Ackbar would be one, though. ROTJ Palpatine would be another.

Someday, I hope to get Yoda.
Customikey said:
This is a beautiful piece I'd never own. There are very few characters I'd even want to have in full 1:1 scale!!

Ackbar would be one, though. ROTJ Palpatine would be another.

Someday, I hope to get Yoda.

Tuesday for me :D
So this is now out in November! Who's getting one? :D

Still no ES is set.. but I've checked the English and they say that it's limited to 250 copies only!

What do you guys think/know? :monkey1
It's an impressive piece, but between space and cost, it's just not a must have. I could see an ES of maybe 500 since Yoda and Maul were 1000 and more marketable. I'm sure at this point, there are some like me, who hold out for the possibility of other characters and already have a few of these and don't want to waste space/money now and not have it when a prized piece comes along. I still hope to see Darth Sidious' deformed glory captured in 1:1.
It's an impressive piece, but between space and cost, it's just not a must have. I could see an ES of maybe 500 since Yoda and Maul were 1000 and more marketable. I'm sure at this point, there are some like me, who hold out for the possibility of other characters and already have a few of these and don't want to waste space/money now and not have it when a prized piece comes along. I still hope to see Darth Sidious' deformed glory captured in 1:1.

I'd bet the emperor is gonna be next in line although an Anakin with sith eyes would be even cooler.They could even give him a hoody like they did with the Maul bust.
It's an impressive piece, but between space and cost, it's just not a must have. I could see an ES of maybe 500 since Yoda and Maul were 1000 and more marketable. I'm sure at this point, there are some like me, who hold out for the possibility of other characters and already have a few of these and don't want to waste space/money now and not have it when a prized piece comes along. I still hope to see Darth Sidious' deformed glory captured in 1:1.

What about Greedo? They only made 300 of him.

I have Bossk on order but will have to cancel, no moola:monkey2
What about Greedo? They only made 300 of him.

I have Bossk on order but will have to cancel, no moola:monkey2

I can only speak to the ones I have which are Yoda and Maul, Greedo is another niche character, if he was 300, I'd wager Bossk is same or less then.

Anakin would be cool, however, it was stated once that Sideshow wouldn't/couldn't go the human character route, and for sure up until now, armor was off limits due to MR having the 1:1 prop license, but with that license going, could free things up. Sidious could possibly pass as alien enough to do, and would be a sweet piece to have in the collection. If the do humans, any Obi-Wan is a must have for me.
250 will be made!

So what do you guys think, it's a keeper? Or will I be able to get this much cheaper of ebay as the time goes.
Yeah Greedo is limited to 300 copies. You can pick him up at $400 or so.

I think I'm gonna cancel my Bossk order. :D
Just giving this thread a bump. I noticed on the order page for Bossk that it will be shipping November 2007. Well, its December. Anyone have news?