I wonder if I'm getting too old to get ultra excited as well about movies etc lol
I do wonder though if the ones that loved it and fail to see any flaws or issues at all, are the ones that don't care about story, or how a movie flows or is made. They love their action, cgi and superman, and no amount of issues (if any) will convince them otherwise. Or are all the critics and other fans wrong, and this movie is that good and flawless? Story just as good as the action?
I will have to see myself, because on one side it's the most epic thing ever, on the other it's good, but has it's issues and gets a little over the top it seems and you don't care as much.
Or are the mega fans going to say the movie will be a 10/10 masterpiece and best movie of the year and 10X better than Avengers, no matter what.
Even if this is a good movie, no reason to bash Avengers in the process. Avengers is a damn good movie, if not the the one comic movie that struck the perfect balance of action, humor, story, characters and leaves a hell of a smile on your face after watching it and connects with you.