Marvel Knights Punisher Omnibus

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Freaked Out
Dec 3, 2013
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I had a really good time reading the Omnibus. It was all just some work of fiction. No, real human beings were hurt in this book so no problem. It was all just some a little bit psycho good old fun.

Ennis says at the begining of the book that it is a back to basics kind of approach to The Punisher which means street level crime stories with alot of violance, gun action. What works pretty good with Punisher as far as i can see. There were some very over the top parts ofcourse but i enjoyed the book overall.

The book was more adult compared to the Batman books or any other vigilante books. I heard that Marvel Knights titles were more adult anyway and that was true as far as i could see. HA HA ! There were kind of cops in this book that you would never see in a Batman books first of all. A Loser cop, cops being mean to other cops, plain insensitive cops, female cops who were forced to sleep with their commissioners by commissioners themselves and a female cop who was labeled as a disgrace by the departmant 'cause she rafused to sleep with her commissioner and she assigned to an impossible case like Punisher task force to catch Punisher with our mega loser detective Soap. She refused to sleep with her Commisioner 'cause first of all, she was a lesbian. You wouldn't see any of those in Batman. Well, i have never seen anyway, and there were alot of blood in MK Punisher, Punisher was darker yet had more humor then your avarage comics, the dark humor, my kind of humor HA HA ! pure Ennis goodness and i compared it to Batman 'cause Batman was the book which had cop characters and bat books were involved with cops as much as Marvel Knights Punisher and both Batman and Punisher work outside of law, they are vigilantes. I never liked to call Batman super hero, he is not one of those candy *****. Back to the story: Detective Soap was just so funny... Poor guy, you felt sorry for his misserable life but laughed at the same time. It all turned out well for him in the end though... HA HA ! that may change with different point of views but i think Soap was happy in the end so all is well. HA HA !

What would happen to the three vigilantes that inspiared with Punisher was kind of obvious, i guess. After All Punisher worked alone and he saved a bullet for himself, if the job was ever done but the job would never be done, the Punisher's way was not the right way to stop crime and Frank seemed to know that. He just did it because of revenge and i liked to think that Frank knew that revenge was wrong but what he did was not about doing the right thing. It was about revenge. HA ! The last part came from my mind, i have never seen that's said in any Punisher book. (i haven't read many Punisher btw... Just read The Ennis MK Omni. and the first trade of Ennis Max Punisher... My Punisher: Back to War omnibus was on its way, btw. ) The three vigilantes who were inspired by The Punisher was actually different views about The Punisher. The Holy was the serial killer, Punisher is considered as a serial killer by some, Mr. Payback was the people's defender, the underdog and poor's defender against the rich, big corporations, Punisher and The Elite was rich elitest guy who saw poor people as scums and killed them. They were 3 different views about Punisher by people and how they were ended up in the end was like Ennis refused all of the three views of The Punisher by the people and said The Punisher was something else.

The mean mafia boss woman (i can't remember her name HA HA !) at the early parts of the book had it pretty bad in the zoo and later on in her own mansion. The Darth Vader moment, she had was funny. I think i liked the Punisher against The Mafia The Best.

And the Really crazy and funny part of the book was... The Russian... HA HA ! He was the founder of the Daredevil fan club in Russia, you know... HA HA ! How Punisher handled him for the first time was just so perfect. ''Welcome to America'' indeed... HA HA ! The Second Coming of the Russian was hilerious too... HA HA! with his two giant ****s... HA HA ! he loved his ****s which were result of some kind of hormonal disorder in his body, even insisted scientist who resurected him to make his ****s bigger... HA HA ! Punisher and Spider-Man teamed up to stop The Russian... HA ! it was pretty much like Punisher used unconcious Spider-Man's body as meat shield against armed criminals and The Russian... HA HA ! The criminal millitary base island was cool. The General who ran that place was a sadistic but kind of bad ass man. He didn't die ! I hope Ennis kept him for Max series. I would love see him in Max Punisher again.

The part with the gay cheriff was cool. How he stood up for his town in the end and all was very good. That story kind of touched the subject of homophobia. It was nice to see the book get a bit socially conscious.

The little people mafia was hilarious... HA HA ! Ennis really humiliated Wolverine in that story. HA HA! Wolverine is my favorite Marvel character but it was too funny... I'm not angry at Ennis or anything, i think it was a creative approach to how The Punisher could hadle Wolverine in an encounter. HA HA ! Daredevil, Wolverine and Spider-Man, The three stooges wanted to put a stop to the Punisher in the end. That was so funny. Especially how Wolverine took the wrong train in the end... Ennis really had his fun with Wolverine, DD and Spidey. lol

The last part, ''Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe'' issue was good too. A good what if Punisher story. What if Frank Castle's family were killed by super heroes as by standers in a fight against the villains... Ofcouse Frank would go after all the heroes this time. ! I think Ennis has kind of a soft spot for Daredevil. He was the one who triggered Frank's conscience in the end and made him saw the monstrosty of what he did in the What if. DD also got the least humiliation in The MK Punisher as well.


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I think I still have all the floppies somewhere.

In general, I enjoyed the art of the late, great Steve Dillon, who reached perfection with his collaboration with Ennis on Preacher. That's seriously in my top 5 of all time comic runs. They had planned and talked about their next long form epic collaboration, called "City Lights," that was in gestation for decades, but sadly will never happen now due to Dillon's untimely death. I wish we could have gotten it.

I just didn't think he was a great fit for the Punisher or the Punisher's world. I'd likely have enjoyed the stories more with a more "Marvel" style artist. Dillon's main problem was that he suffered from a case of "same face-itis" where so many characters looked so similar to each other.

A lot of the elements of the story were incorporated into the 2004 Thomas Jane/Travolta Punisher movie, but I think like most adaptations, they worked better on the page.

I don't know if it's in the omnibus, but there's a two-parter drawn by Darick Roberstson with Frank vs Wolverine and I HATED it. It was so spiteful and juvenile, I think I eventually sold the issues back to the comics store.

The covers by Tim Bradstreet are OK but man, that dude is a one trick pony. EVERY single one of his covers looks exactly like the others. I could never tell them apart.

At the end of the day, it was kind of a watered down take on what they achieved with Preacher, but it's still worth a read and a nice time capsule of that awful pre/post 9-11 period in America.

My favorite Punisher story remains the first two arcs of "Punisher War Zone" with art by JR me that's Punisher at his gritty best. Sure, there are older stories with insanely good art by the likes of Mike Zeck, Jim Lee, and Whilce Portacio, but Punisher War Zone had such a FUN story, (Chuck Dixon's) that it stands the test of time as my favorite Punisher tale. Check it out if you've never read it!
What is a Marvel style artist ? and yes, Steve Dillon's art's only problem was alot of the character's faces looked similar but it didn't bother me much. I think Dillon was a good fit for The Punisher.

The covers of Tim Bradstreet are ok ?!?!?! Are you kidding me, the guy draws a Punisher with such characteristic, cinema quality. I would lose it if he did the interiors. Bradstreet draws the Best Punisher ever. I highly disagree with you.

I really enjoyed MK Punisher but i haven't read the Punisher War Zone yet. I plan to read anything worth reading with The Punisher eventually though. Eagerly waiting for the Omnibuses, but i am kind of nervous because of the controversy around The Punisher logo. Marvel may decide to not print anything with the old logo again... The logo kind of really got tainted because of cops and soldiers using it for their missquided agenda. I heard even some neo nazis used the logo... Now, that is horrible. :/
Tim Bradstreet draws a mean-ass Punisher, yes, but every single image looks exactly the same. He's gone ONE gimmick and just does it over and over and over.

I really think Marvel/Disney is just gonna quietly cancel the Punisher for good over the logo controversy.

Personally, I never had a problem with Marines/armed forces guys putting it on their gear, cause let's face it, rit eally is badass as hell and it makes a cool decal or patch or something. Those guys are SOLDIERS. Their reason d'etre is to kill their enemies.

However, when I see it on any kind of police gear, I can't help but cringe and how tone deaf that is. Cops are not supposed to be killers. They are supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE, not "Punish" and certainly not kill the way the Punisher kills.

I have never, ever, ever seen any evidence of Neo-Nazis using it, and it looks nothing like the old Death's Head skull on the actual Nazis' hats. That's just something some huffpost blogger make up to get outrage clicks.

Anyway, enough about that. We'll veer too close to politics and get the thread deleted.
I had a really good time reading the Omnibus. It was all just some work of fiction. No, real human beings were hurt in this book so no problem. It was all just some a little bit psycho good old fun.

Ennis says at the begining of the book that it is a back to basics kind of approach to The Punisher which means street level crime stories with alot of violance, gun action. What works pretty good with Punisher as far as i can see. There were some very over the top parts ofcourse but i enjoyed the book overall.

The book was more adult compared to the Batman books or any other vigilante books. I heard that Marvel Knights titles were more adult anyway and that was true as far as i could see. HA HA ! There were kind of cops in this book that you would never see in a Batman books first of all. A Loser cop, cops being mean to other cops, plain insensitive cops, female cops who were forced to sleep with their commissioners by commissioners themselves and a female cop who was labeled as a disgrace by the departmant 'cause she rafused to sleep with her commissioner and she assigned to an impossible case like Punisher task force to catch Punisher with our mega loser detective Soap. She refused to sleep with her Commisioner 'cause first of all, she was a lesbian. You wouldn't see any of those in Batman. Well, i have never seen anyway, and there were alot of blood in MK Punisher, Punisher was darker yet had more humor then your avarage comics, the dark humor, my kind of humor HA HA ! pure Ennis goodness and i compared it to Batman 'cause Batman was the book which had cop characters and bat books were involved with cops as much as Marvel Knights Punisher and both Batman and Punisher work outside of law, they are vigilantes. I never liked to call Batman super hero, he is not one of those candy *****. Back to the story: Detective Soap was just so funny... Poor guy, you felt sorry for his misserable life but laughed at the same time. It all turned out well for him in the end though... HA HA ! that may change with different point of views but i think Soap was happy in the end so all is well. HA HA !

What would happen to the three vigilantes that inspiared with Punisher was kind of obvious, i guess. After All Punisher worked alone and he saved a bullet for himself, if the job was ever done but the job would never be done, the Punisher's way was not the right way to stop crime and Frank seemed to know that. He just did it because of revenge and i liked to think that Frank knew that revenge was wrong but what he did was not about doing the right thing. It was about revenge. HA ! The last part came from my mind, i have never seen that's said in any Punisher book. (i haven't read many Punisher btw... Just read The Ennis MK Omni. and the first trade of Ennis Max Punisher... My Punisher: Back to War omnibus was on its way, btw. ) The three vigilantes who were inspired by The Punisher was actually different views about The Punisher. The Holy was the serial killer, Punisher is considered as a serial killer by some, Mr. Payback was the people's defender, the underdog and poor's defender against the rich, big corporations, Punisher and The Elite was rich elitest guy who saw poor people as scums and killed them. They were 3 different views about Punisher by people and how they were ended up in the end was like Ennis refused all of the three views of The Punisher by the people and said The Punisher was something else.

The mean mafia boss woman (i can't remember her name HA HA !) at the early parts of the book had it pretty bad in the zoo and later on in her own mansion. The Darth Vader moment, she had was funny. I think i liked the Punisher against The Mafia The Best.

And the Really crazy and funny part of the book was... The Russian... HA HA ! He was the founder of the Daredevil fan club in Russia, you know... HA HA ! How Punisher handled him for the first time was just so perfect. ''Welcome to America'' indeed... HA HA ! The Second Coming of the Russian was hilerious too... HA HA! with his two giant ****s... HA HA ! he loved his ****s which were result of some kind of hormonal disorder in his body, even insisted scientist who resurected him to make his ****s bigger... HA HA ! Punisher and Spider-Man teamed up to stop The Russian... HA ! it was pretty much like Punisher used unconcious Spider-Man's body as meat shield against armed criminals and The Russian... HA HA ! The criminal millitary base island was cool. The General who ran that place was a sadistic but kind of bad ass man. He didn't die ! I hope Ennis kept him for Max series. I would love see him in Max Punisher again.

The part with the gay cheriff was cool. How he stood up for his town in the end and all was very good. That story kind of touched the subject of homophobia. It was nice to see the book get a bit socially conscious.

The little people mafia was hilarious... HA HA ! Ennis really humiliated Wolverine in that story. HA HA! Wolverine is my favorite Marvel character but it was too funny... I'm not angry at Ennis or anything, i think it was a creative approach to how The Punisher could hadle Wolverine in an encounter. HA HA ! Daredevil, Wolverine and Spider-Man, The three stooges wanted to put a stop to the Punisher in the end. That was so funny. Especially how Wolverine took the wrong train in the end... Ennis really had his fun with Wolverine, DD and Spidey. lol

The last part, ''Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe'' issue was good too. A good what if Punisher story. What if Frank Castle's family were killed by super heroes as by standers in a fight against the villains... Ofcouse Frank would go after all the heroes this time. ! I think Ennis has kind of a soft spot for Daredevil. He was the one who triggered Frank's conscience in the end and made him saw the monstrosty of what he did in the What if. DD also got the least humiliation in The MK Punisher as well.
I own both Garth Ennis Punisher MAX Omnibuses and I'm a big fan. I've been waiting for the War Journal omnibuses, but I don't think we'll ever see them now that Marvel have turned their back on the character to satisfy the woke brigade.
Worst still, they'll probably prevent any new Punisher figures from being made - I was particularly hoping for a Jim Lee War Journal figure from MAFEX, but that's likely a pipe dream now...
You don't need to repeat yourself man. I understand and disagree. I love each and every Bradstreet cover. They are the best realistic film quality punisher, i have ever seen. Just perfect.

Well, Disney/Marvel might have already pulled the trigger. I have been waiting for a new omnibus like forever now. I don't have much hope left.

Punisher is a soldier after all but i actually don't know what is the real reason that they put on the Punisher logo. Never seached for it. Since people are increadbly pissed off, it can't be good is the only conculution, i came at, at his point.

It is totally Marvels fault that Cops use Punisher logo. They made Punisher a cop in Ultimate Universe. Those cops probably came from there.

I only read the neo nazis using the logo part on the internet, i don't have any real evidence acutally, as well.

Tim Bradstreet draws a mean-ass Punisher, yes, but every single image looks exactly the same. He's gone ONE gimmick and just does it over and over and over.

I really think Marvel/Disney is just gonna quietly cancel the Punisher for good over the logo controversy.

Personally, I never had a problem with Marines/armed forces guys putting it on their gear, cause let's face it, rit eally is badass as hell and it makes a cool decal or patch or something. Those guys are SOLDIERS. Their reason d'etre is to kill their enemies.

However, when I see it on any kind of police gear, I can't help but cringe and how tone deaf that is. Cops are not supposed to be killers. They are supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE, not "Punish" and certainly not kill the way the Punisher kills.

I have never, ever, ever seen any evidence of Neo-Nazis using it, and it looks nothing like the old Death's Head skull on the actual Nazis' hats. That's just something some huffpost blogger make up to get outrage clicks.

Anyway, enough about that. We'll veer too close to politics and get the thread deleted.
I own both Garth Ennis Punisher MAX Omnibuses and I'm a big fan. I've been waiting for the War Journal omnibuses, but I don't think we'll ever see them now that Marvel have turned their back on the character to satisfy the woke brigade.
Worst still, they'll probably prevent any new Punisher figures from being made - I was particularly hoping for a Jim Lee War Journal figure from MAFEX, but that's likely a pipe dream now...
I also have both of Ennis Max Omnibuses. :) I agree buddy, a Mafex Jim Lee Punisher would be awesome. It is such a shame.