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I haven't been following. Maybe it's too light for people who wanted more heavy action? Some people I know loved it, others not so much.

I've still only seen it once; I think I'll settle for it being a really enjoyable part of something bigger, i.e. the MCU.

It hasn't stayed with me and the humour isn't on par with the heist antics of Ant-Man.

I still really dig it and for the most part love Holland's Spidey, but I suppose it's a little uneven.

But most of the effects-laden light entertainment I love is more about characters and set-pieces than fine cinema. It's all very expensive pulp.

I'll have to think about what could qualify as a truly strong film that transcends genre. Iron Man comes to mind as close, except the end fight and Stane were kind of a letdown.

'89 Batman has a number of holes, but somehow holds together on a fairytale level.

Other than that, Ant-Man somehow channels MCU meets the '80s meets Guy Ritchie.

I loved Ed Norton as the Hulk in spite of the film's weaknesses, and enjoy the build-up in Avengers.

CA: The First Avenger was great, Civil War had some weak writing but incredible action; GOTG reminds me of the '80s stylistic callbacks like Ant-Man. I need to watch TWS again...

If I think about it, most of these films lose it a bit for me in the 3rd act; maybe the CG, maybe the lack of stakes.

Yet I love it all. Marvel's got my money, as long as they don't screw up as badly as they did with Iron Fist.

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