medicom star wars.

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Super Freak
May 8, 2008
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swimming with sharks
even though this places deals mainly with sideshow. i would like to see medicom tackle a new hope luke skywalker and leia organa..
also what is weird since i changed medicoms han solo outfit to bespin using sideshow han bespin. when he stand in the corner and when the light does not hit him directly i can see harrison ford in there.
I would love to see some pictures of ANH Medicom Han dressed in the Bespin outfit.
even though this places deals mainly with sideshow. i would like to see medicom tackle a new hope luke skywalker and leia organa..
also what is weird since i changed medicoms han solo outfit to bespin using sideshow han bespin. when he stand in the corner and when the light does not hit him directly i can see harrison ford in there.

So what you are saying is that when the lights are off, Medi-Han looks like Harrison Ford? :lol
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>So what you are saying is that when the lights are off, Medi-Han looks like Harrison Ford? :lol

The dark site of toys...:gun
I bet Medicom would do a killer Admiral Ackbar.

Honestly I think that is one Sideshow would do a great job on as well... their Alien sculpts are great and the paint work is usually very good as well, better than the humans. And they are now intimately familiar with him from the 1:1 bust.
I agree on Aliens I think SS would do a far better job, plus you'd get more accessories if applecable and the price would be at least 25% less then Medicoms.
Sucks..I love my Medicom ROTJ Darth..truth be told he is far better made than the SS...his clothing and overall look...but his height has made me think about selling him, I dont have enough display space for two vaders and because the majority of my stuff is SS I need to let him go..sadly.
Sucks..I love my Medicom ROTJ Darth..truth be told he is far better made than the SS...his clothing and overall look...but his height has made me think about selling him, I dont have enough display space for two vaders and because the majority of my stuff is SS I need to let him go..sadly.

I love my Medi-Vader. I have him posed with my Medi-Luke awaiting my Medi-Anakin. I have my SS Vader posed separately with my SS Stormtroopers because of the height factor. Anyway, if you have to sell you Vader tough loss :(
I love my Medi-Vader. I have him posed with my Medi-Luke awaiting my Medi-Anakin. I have my SS Vader posed separately with my SS Stormtroopers because of the height factor. Anyway, if you have to sell you Vader tough loss :(

I dont HAVE to...just...I dont really have the room and it doesnt match anything else I have... I so have a Medi Stormtrooper...but I might sell him too.
Where the heck are the Medi SW announcements? (not that i could afford one anyways ATM) But i really wanted to see a decent ESB Luke. (i was at least expecting to see a clone rehash, maybe they realize 179$ is too much???)
Till date I have only got the Real Action Hero Boba Fett. The only chance that I would get another 12" Medi is probably when they come up with some obscure aliens that Sideshow might not do.:lol
I have the 2 Medi Vaders (ROTS and ROTJ), Stormtrooper, Blackhole Stormie, Sandtrooper, Royal Guard and TIE Pilot and I like them all. My focus are OT Imperials and I also collect Sideshow figures. Both SS and Medis have their pros and cons. Hopefully next year I'll be able to display all these together.
even though this places deals mainly with sideshow. i would like to see medicom tackle a new hope luke skywalker and leia organa..
also what is weird since i changed medicoms han solo outfit to bespin using sideshow han bespin. when he stand in the corner and when the light does not hit him directly i can see harrison ford in there.
