To be true, the whole Britannia scenes are not really necessary for the main story, but hey - you are watching the extended version ;-) I’m sure some of you really love to see Boudicca to show up in the story. And I was eager for shooting some fighting pictures with my Roman Soldiers and some barbarians. A little warning: This is a hardboiled chapter with sex, violence and a lot of blood in it. (****).
Part 5 of the adventure is online now. Six pages about the battle at Watling Street. I couldn't resist and gave a little cameo to my MiniMe. I hope you like the new chapter.
VI. Ambush
This is the last chapter of the Britannia flashback. It centers more on Lucius Trebonius. In the end of the chapter we return to the main plot. Find the four new pages here:
Season 1 is about to end in a few weeks.
There was only a very little feedback on the comic.
So I’m not really sure, whether anyone is watching this.
If you'd like, the story to continue in season 2, drop a little line.
If you like the Memento Mori comic, please vote for it. That will get me a better ranking and with some good luck it will win me some new readers. Thank you very much.
I'm starting to read it, so cool. And soooooooo maaaaaany figuressssssssss!. It's so fun to see recognizable headsculpts in there, makes it much more enjoyable.
XVI. Murder at Porta Esquilina
This is the last chapter of season 1. Memento Mori will take a little summer break for a few weeks. Season 2 will probably start on the 1st of August.
There is a new cast page as well. The first page was in order of appearance, the new cast page is sorted by social groups. I hope that will help you, whenever you get lost with all the characters.