II have tried to post pictures of my collection for god knows how many time, but it just doesn't work. Is this page blocking and deleting messages that include link or inserted image that is related to photobucket?? Because I just don't get it. I'm a member of several internet forums etc. and never before has it been this difficult to post anything. Surely Finland isn't a country with high spam rates or anything.
Toywiz has him for 70 preorder
Toywiz has him for 70 preorder
This is on BBTS Solidus page.
NOTE - The price on this item is expected to decrease once domestic supply information is released.
I already PO'd him. Even if it doesn't drop I'm still getting it, I mean c'mon it's friggin Solidus.
FYI Kotobukiya MGS REX model kit!
I wonder how big is that Kotobukiya MGS REX going to be? Probably no way near the size of 3A's Rex I would think. What do you guys think?
Looks amazing so far though, that's for sure!
FYI Kotobukiya MGS REX model kit!
1st post here
While waiting for HT Snake & PlayArts or 3A Rex/Ray (who knows when..), I custom-made my own Metal Gear REX.
Feedback is welcome.
Yup. It's full action poseable!
Including the cockpit detail!
Custom markings and double cockpit joints!
It can't stand on 2 toes like in the game, but it can sure pose like one~
Parts chunks.
I don't think there's a standard size to Kotobukiya model kits, but they usually range from around 7 to 9 inches. So, it'll be significantly smaller than the ThreeA model, and slightly bigger than the Play Arts MGS mechs that were released.