Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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i think he looks awesome . though was hoping he stayed with the white like on mgs 4
That Raiden figure looks just too awesome!! But is this figure based on the model before MGR got developed by Platinum Games? Because now Raiden has the sheath on his back in the game. Still is an instant buy though.
What is a tier in the rain? It even rained on the day he was born ya know lol

But Raiden and Solidus look soo fantastic, i want them to redo MGS1 Snake now lol. Seriously i hope they keep that quality of sculpt for MGS2 Raiden and Snake. Them too are now must haves holy crap


looks like we get a second hair sculpt, i could tell that one sided style would get on my nerves eventually.

And yeah they totally messed up Meryl compared to the rest of the line. Her (clothing)style is just way off, its more Iraq than Vietnam :S
I think Hot Toys will eventually tackle Raiden since he won their recent poll, and since MG Rising will be the next big game in the series. So, I'll wait for their version, instead of picking up the Play Arts figure.
I think Hot Toys will eventually tackle Raiden since he won their recent poll, and since MG Rising will be the next big game in the series. So, I'll wait for their version, instead of picking up the Play Arts figure.

If by some miracle Hot Toys actually gets around to do Raiden (can't wait to preorder him 2015), it will probably end up being a civilian outfit or some other pointless variation no one cares about.
Well the play Arts figure is a hell of a lot cheaper and i assume will come out way before Hot Toys even announce a Rising Raiden.
personally id prefer if they tackled previous entries in the franchise before moving on.

extra big pics for the ____ of it





I can't wait to display my Play Arts like this when i eventually get em all :p

Meryls sculpt looks alot better in this pic amirite?

If by some miracle Hot Toys actually gets around to do Raiden (can't wait to preorder him 2015), it will probably end up being a civilian outfit or some other pointless variation no one cares about.

Tell you what: I'll remember to quote your post when Raiden comes up for pre-order before 2015, and in his full cyborg ninja gear :yess:.
From what I understand, there are a few things need corrected -

1) The sword sheath on Raiden's hip is game accurate and can be posed both on the left hip and across the back (right shoulder to left hip) - it's got 3 ball-in-socket joints on the sheath which allow it to do so

2) the extra "hair piece" isn't a hair piece - it's a face mask that's seen in the game preview. It will be a piece that fits where his upper face (cheeks, eyes, forehead) currently are and will allow for an alternate look

hope that's some clarification
The Raiden figure looks beautiful, but for some reason I keep getting the feeling that it's going to be painful to touch it, what with all those sharp edges and whatnot.
Did anybody grab the Red Ninja off eBay yet? The prices look like they have gone up since yesterday it's crazy. Most are at the tipping point going into the 200$ range.

I should be getting mine sometime next week and I will post pics of it with my other two ninjas and the rest of the MGS line.
That Meryl looks real good. SE is serious about the MGS line... it gets more love than their own franchise.
Did anybody grab the Red Ninja off eBay yet? The prices look like they have gone up since yesterday it's crazy. Most are at the tipping point going into the 200$ range.

I should be getting mine sometime next week and I will post pics of it with my other two ninjas and the rest of the MGS line.

I got one from eBay yesterday for 130 shipped.
Ugh I am not looking forward to the wait on ThreeA Rex. It's probably going to be delayed into oblivion.
^Did you get the Bambaland exclusive version, or the retail version?

Bambaland. I have a membership so the amount of money you save through that and the free shipping was pretty significant to me. I wish the "exclusive" was actually worthwhile though. Pretty much a glorified lego Solid Snake.