MUPPET MORT needs your help!

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Lord Aykroyd

Super Freak
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Boston MA
Hey Everybody!
MUPPET MORT needs your help!

I never thought my video would get this far, but it looks like I've made it to second place in the 'figure it out' competition! Now all I need is a little MORT love from the awesomeness that is the freaks board. (I wasn't going to beg before, but I'm so close :eek:)

I know almost everybody has probably voted, but if you help a fellow freak out by asking some friends to send some votes toward video # 12 I'd definitely owe you!!!! :rock

MUPPET MORT took about a month to put together - I did all the foam cutting and fleece sewing myself. The 'blood' was red food dye and corn syrup, which was the STUPIDEST most STICKY mess ever :rolleyes:
Yes its true, he isnt actually a real zombie... *ducks from rage of saddened masses*

MUPPET MORT needs your help! Vote VIDEO # 12 and SHOW SOME MORT LOVE! :naughty




Oh and if anyone forgets what MORT LOVE is....
SIDESHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DONT MAKE A MORT FIGURE I WILL MAKE A VIDEO OF MYSELF RUNNING AROUND NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW GIVE ME MORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey thanks guys! The other videos rock too - but I have to admit, Muppets are too fun! Who knows maybe SSC will ask me to do some Spooktacular videos too (hint hint Dusty :lol)

I just cast my vote... for #12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah Mort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Guys!
Looks like we lost by 2 in the end!!!!
What a fun race - hopeful sideshow will want to see some more mort in the future!
Sorry I had already voted. Voting seems to still be available because you are at 315.
That's wierd. Well who knows maybe mort will come on top :D
Either way, all the videos were great :peace and I certainly appreciate the FREAKS who helped out! :banana