New From New York !

Collector Freaks Forum

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Super Freak
Nov 11, 2012
Reaction score
Queens,New York
What's going on everybody, joined about a week ago. I've just started collecting this year for the past 6months and have 14 Hot toys figures so far. Just wanted to say this site is dope ! Lol.
:welcome1: to the :FREAK: Show, CrAzEBoNEsz! :duff
What's going on everybody, joined about a week ago. I've just started collecting this year for the past 6months and have 14 Hot toys figures so far. Just wanted to say this site is dope ! Lol.

Welcome and----14??? Wow!!! I have---uhm----zero. Of course, currently being unemployed could do that! I hope to start a collection of SSC and HT stuff once I find gainful employment. If I find gainful employment. Say---anyone out there lookin' for help......?:wink1:
What's going on everybody, joined about a week ago. I've just started collecting this year for the past 6months and have 14 Hot toys figures so far. Just wanted to say this site is dope ! Lol.

:welcome1: Nice to have another fellow new yorker on the boards:wave so what figures did you get???
Thanks ! So far I have MJ thriller, captain America, black spiderman, new goblin, whiplash,war machine, joker 89, joker dx01, Perseus, Marcus wright, t1000, Sgt Barnes and Sweeney Todd. Lol.