NEW HT PREDATOR, 'Dutch' full spec and hi-res pics

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You're probably right. I wasn't expecting new pics though - just the old pics put back up. I'm still curious what the fuss was over.
I'm glad no matter what, old sculpt, new sculpt, old sculpt just photographed in a different way, this looks like one hell of a figure. I'm glad I ordered the exclusive when I did.
I find it interesting how there's a lot of commentary as though it's a totally new head from what we'd seen previously. It's painted differently and possibly a little sculpt work, but for the most part it looks like the same head, just photographed much more appropraitely to show off the sculpt work, and given the headaches they've gone through just to give us the head, I can understand being proud and showing it off, but I wager if they photographed it before in the same ways, it would have looked just as nice.

Again.. it's hard to have this discussion when you can't post pics of the previous sculpt. Those pics can still be found easily on the net though so I'd suggest copying a few and pasting them together with the new sculpt.. because to me there's significant changes. And it has nothing to do with lighting or paint (except the hair color). IMO the eyes/eyebrows/mouth and/or jaw/hair+hair color have all been changed. That's a lot. You might not think that's significant.. but think about this: it's the little things that define our faces. Look at Jennifer Grey. All she did was thin out her nose and now she's unrecognizeable. She looks nothing like she did back when she made "Dirty Dancing".

All it takes is a few "minor" adjustments to completely change a face. This sculpt is more accurate (to me) and I can see the differences in the areas I listed. Has nothing to do with paint or lighting.. it's different, sculpt wise. Doesn't matter what light conditions or paint job you applied to the first sculpt.. it wouldn't look like this new one. Because they're different. Both look like Arnold of course.. but this one is significantly better.

If you can't see the differences.. nothing I could say will change that so it's pointless to discuss it. Your mind is made up. But to me, when comparing pics, the changes are immediately obvious.
To be honest, even though the original sculpt (be it what it may) looked great, I was seriously considering cancelling this guy and just getting the Predator. But after seeing these new pics, I immediately changed my mind. He's a keeper.

My only concern, and it's been voiced by others already, is that I think that there "may" be a discrepancy in size differential between Dutch and the Predator. I just think that Dutch may be slightly too tall (Jack Sparrow, anyone?) and the Pred just slightly too short. Not a deal breaker but still may be obvious when displaying them next to each other.
The only significant difference I see that look unquestionably to exist regardless of the photography are paint and sculpt work around the eyes and the hair color, everything else as far as sculpt, I don't see any way to truly judge without looking at the two heads under equal conditions. There's 4 ultra zoomed in closedups of the new one, sure you're seeing a lot of detail, but we never saw the first head that well, facial structures may look different but shadow and light play huge on that, that's why a lot of Sideshow pictures don't look like the actors and you get the figure and it does, because it takes certain lighting to highlight the forms and everything properly. Looking at most of the original photos of Dutch, there was flat lighting on him, very little highlighted his facial structure well enough, now HT shot it with very contrasting light and shadow and there's strong defininition of all the lumps in his face.

I'm sure work was done, I just find it interesting because the way some people talk about it, you'd swear the first head was original Joker and the new one the Bank Robber head. I just think the tweaks are less than chatter perceives.
I'm sure work was done, I just find it interesting because the way some people talk about it, you'd swear the first head was original Joker and the new one the Bank Robber head. I just think the tweaks are less than chatter perceives.

I wasn't trying to imply that. Sorry if it came out that way. The first Dutch sculpt.. hell even the FIRST first (leaked image) of Dutch from HT was closer to Arnold than the V.1 Joker sculpt was/is to Heath. So unlike that situation, both this sculpt and the previous one of Dutch look(ed) good. But there are differences.. and to me they're significant because imo even tiny changes completely alter the appearance of a face. So whatever.. who cares at this point. Bottomline the proto looks good. Hope that the final figure looks similiar.
well my post mentioned pictures only & thats what i have to go by. and the latest pictures have me more excited about the likeness than the first set of pics we saw & hopefully what we see now is what we get.
I wasn't trying to imply that. Sorry if it came out that way. The first Dutch sculpt.. hell even the FIRST first (leaked image) of Dutch from HT was closer to Arnold than the V.1 Joker sculpt was/is to Heath. So unlike that situation, both this sculpt and the previous one of Dutch look(ed) good. But there are differences.. and to me they're significant because imo even tiny changes completely alter the appearance of a face. So whatever.. who cares at this point. Bottomline the proto looks good. Hope that the final figure looks similiar.

I wasn't referring to you about the comments, just a general vibe I've been getting in here, maybe it's more the relief speaking than anything, it's just been weird reading posts talking about the new head shots as though it were a night and day change from the first.

Bottom line is, it does look great. I expect that everything but the camo paint should translate just fine in production, camo will probably look alright, but possibly not as good, like the Joker makeup, but as long as it's slightly lesser that's fine, just not a train wreck :lol

And I know beating a dead horse, but seriously, I want the 411 on the cigar deal, that makes the figure look much cooler to me that he can be all, "I'm Dutch, hey ^^^^ you, I'll smoke it if I want to" :lol
I was sold as soon as those early outdoor shots surfaced. I'm going to have a lot of photo fun with Dutch and the Predator.
The sculpt has changed from the first and second ones that came out. The reason the 2nd was pulled was that the changes were so drastic it had to be re-approved by Arnold's group. They didn't want the one that would change out there and they couldn't show the new one until the Guvernator signed off.

I'm sorry that we can't allow the older pictures to be posted. We're trying to cultivate a similar relationship with HT as we have with SSC, and we have to respect their requests in this matter.
Interesting, so the changes aren't because of Arnold's likeness company, HT opted for changes which then required another round of the approval process.

Interesting. I would imagine next time they do anything with an Arnold portrait, they'll really put in the effort to get it just right so they don't have to keep going back through the process.
Interesting, so the changes aren't because of Arnold's likeness company, HT opted for changes which then required another round of the approval process.

Interesting. I would imagine next time they do anything with an Arnold portrait, they'll really put in the effort to get it just right so they don't have to keep going back through the process.

HT's a bunch of perfectionists. Which is good for us.
The sculpt has changed from the first and second ones that came out. The reason the 2nd was pulled was that the changes were so drastic it had to be re-approved by Arnold's group. They didn't want the one that would change out there and they couldn't show the new one until the Guvernator signed off.

I'm sorry that we can't allow the older pictures to be posted. We're trying to cultivate a similar relationship with HT as we have with SSC, and we have to respect their requests in this matter.

Thanks for the info Dave, amazing what processes are involved behind the scenes. Would you say Arnold himself has to see the sculpt/proto of Dutch, or is it just his company's ppl with stoneoak that do the approval?
The reason the 2nd was pulled was that the changes were so drastic it had to be re-approved by Arnold's group.

'Drastic'. Really? I find that strange. Apart from the hair being the wrong colour the last one seemed fine, I wonder what HT saw that was so obviously off in their eyes. Still, whatever they did certainly hasn't harmed the figure as it looks amazing.
Thanks for the info Dave, amazing what processes are involved behind the scenes. Would you say Arnold himself has to see the sculpt/proto of Dutch, or is it just his company's ppl with stoneoak that do the approval?

I don't know the details, but frequently the celebrity never sees the figure - it could be their manager, their wife, their hairdresser that has to sign off. I'd imagine that Arnie has someone that just deals with licensing his image.