Hey guys… I was hoping that you might be able to help me on a couple custom figures that I am working on. I am sending you a message after being referred to the site. So this is my 1st post. I don’t know if I am posting in the right spot... but I figure I'll post something here & let it evolve. I am working on something, & I once I know what parts that I need I can put that out there. I'm just rattling the cage & seeing if I can get some help. I have been looking at stuff... but once you know what I am working with... you might come up with an idea for something I didn't know existed. So you have an idea of what I am working with, you might know what I should go for & buy. A guy has to start somewhere. Right?
I am just hoping that I can find someone with some insight with what I am working with. I am new to the hobby & am still learning how various bits & pieces work & don’t work on various bodies. So I am hoping for some suggestions here.
Right now I have 2 figures that I am putting together on my table –
(1) A Hot Toys style EP V Bespin Han
(2) And a custom built AT-ST driver.
I am mostly done with Han… but am looking for bits & pieces for either figure. Surprising it hasn’t been that hard to do either 1… but it’s been a question of finding the right knick knacks to put the body together.
At the moment I don’t have any pictures. I wasn’t planning on taking any until I was pretty done with everything. So if you would like to visually see what I am working with… give me some time because I am still working on my mom’s taxes… & I haven’t had a lot of personal time lately.
With Han… he’s pretty much done. The only problem that I have run into with him is that I have been having problems finding the right parts to attach his head to the body & foot pegs to attach his boots. I have been using a Chinese KO for a base body (a MX02-A). Overall a nice body… but skintone-wise it’s a little pale compared to most Caucasian toned parts that I have come across. I put a bid in for a pair of Hot Toy Han ANH foot pegs since those are the boots that I am using… & hopefully that will fix the shoe issue. The ball joints look about right… so I should be able to just plug & play… but if I have problems getting things to fit… any suggestions on how I get the boots attached? Because right now they are just on loose.
I might be interested in matching Sideshow/Hot Toys forearms as well if they match ANH Han’s skin color. What’s nice about the MX02-A body is even though it’s the wrong skin tone (too pale), the arms can disassemble at the bicep or beneath the elbow. Since the upper arm will be in the jacket… I don’t care what color that it is because it will be covered… but if I can get forearms that match the tone of the head… I’d be in hog heaven! That being able to get hands/pegs that can make everything work.
And the 2nd issue that I am having with him is that I can’t find a neck extension that is the right size. Everything that I keep coming across is too short. Everything will click together… but it isn’t long enough. So I need an extra long neck extension. This is not the body that I am using… but for a visual of what body type that I am using, the body shot that I am attaching is the setup that I am playing with. Do you know what neck joint that I should get? Because everything that I have come across so far is too short.
And with the AT-ST driver that I am working on… I am looking for a body that I can attach everything to. I don’t care what it looks like because everything will be basically covered by a jumpsuit. So I don’t care what color that it is. The parts that I decided to use is a ‘neckless’ head (meaning that I don’t need a neck extension because I already have a neck joint) & a body that will take the gloves & boots from the most recent TIE Fighter Sideshow release. It’s not the scale that’s been the issue… but pegs that everything will click into that has. So I was wondering what body that I should look for. Any suggestions?
Thanks guys & hope to hear from you soon!

I am just hoping that I can find someone with some insight with what I am working with. I am new to the hobby & am still learning how various bits & pieces work & don’t work on various bodies. So I am hoping for some suggestions here.
Right now I have 2 figures that I am putting together on my table –
(1) A Hot Toys style EP V Bespin Han
(2) And a custom built AT-ST driver.
I am mostly done with Han… but am looking for bits & pieces for either figure. Surprising it hasn’t been that hard to do either 1… but it’s been a question of finding the right knick knacks to put the body together.
At the moment I don’t have any pictures. I wasn’t planning on taking any until I was pretty done with everything. So if you would like to visually see what I am working with… give me some time because I am still working on my mom’s taxes… & I haven’t had a lot of personal time lately.
With Han… he’s pretty much done. The only problem that I have run into with him is that I have been having problems finding the right parts to attach his head to the body & foot pegs to attach his boots. I have been using a Chinese KO for a base body (a MX02-A). Overall a nice body… but skintone-wise it’s a little pale compared to most Caucasian toned parts that I have come across. I put a bid in for a pair of Hot Toy Han ANH foot pegs since those are the boots that I am using… & hopefully that will fix the shoe issue. The ball joints look about right… so I should be able to just plug & play… but if I have problems getting things to fit… any suggestions on how I get the boots attached? Because right now they are just on loose.
I might be interested in matching Sideshow/Hot Toys forearms as well if they match ANH Han’s skin color. What’s nice about the MX02-A body is even though it’s the wrong skin tone (too pale), the arms can disassemble at the bicep or beneath the elbow. Since the upper arm will be in the jacket… I don’t care what color that it is because it will be covered… but if I can get forearms that match the tone of the head… I’d be in hog heaven! That being able to get hands/pegs that can make everything work.
And the 2nd issue that I am having with him is that I can’t find a neck extension that is the right size. Everything that I keep coming across is too short. Everything will click together… but it isn’t long enough. So I need an extra long neck extension. This is not the body that I am using… but for a visual of what body type that I am using, the body shot that I am attaching is the setup that I am playing with. Do you know what neck joint that I should get? Because everything that I have come across so far is too short.
And with the AT-ST driver that I am working on… I am looking for a body that I can attach everything to. I don’t care what it looks like because everything will be basically covered by a jumpsuit. So I don’t care what color that it is. The parts that I decided to use is a ‘neckless’ head (meaning that I don’t need a neck extension because I already have a neck joint) & a body that will take the gloves & boots from the most recent TIE Fighter Sideshow release. It’s not the scale that’s been the issue… but pegs that everything will click into that has. So I was wondering what body that I should look for. Any suggestions?
Thanks guys & hope to hear from you soon!