Nice avp-r idea....

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Super Freak
Dec 16, 2007
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United Kingdom
Since in alien vs predator requiem barely any aliens were seen and the alien creature itself was portrayed in a stupid way I though of something before.
In the first avp the grid alien was one awesome character , I think it would of been completely awesome if he somehow snuk aboard the predator ship then got involved in avp:r only to have a huge face off with wolf , wolf wins then the movie carrys on the way it did anyway.
It could of been an awesome scene that gave the aliens some more light also , what do ya think ? :cool:.
Cant see it. AvP needed the big climax with the Queen, I doubt Grid would have not helped protect her and saved his own ass by hiding. If Grid snuck onto the Pred ship to kill as many Pred as he could it would remind me of Jaws: The Revenge, "This Time It's Personal". Besides there's only room for one villian and that was always the Predalien, any other main alien would have been confusing and too much for the audience.
Cant see it. AvP needed the big climax with the Queen, I doubt Grid would have not helped protect her and saved his own ass by hiding. If Grid snuck onto the Pred ship to kill as many Pred as he could it would remind me of Jaws: The Revenge, "This Time It's Personal". Besides there's only room for one villian and that was always the Predalien, any other main alien would have been confusing and too much for the audience.

Not a bad overall 'side story' uscmhicks, but Nicky is totally right, the focus was on this Predalien and the Wolf coming to 'clean' up the mess
I think its a great idea uscmhicks, simply because i would have loved another cool action scene. Though there was already a big scene like that in Avp (grid+celtic), so it may have been too similar.

I have to agree with what nicky said though, couldnt see grid leaving the queen.
Cant see it. AvP needed the big climax with the Queen, I doubt Grid would have not helped protect her and saved his own ass by hiding. If Grid snuck onto the Pred ship to kill as many Pred as he could it would remind me of Jaws: The Revenge, "This Time It's Personal". Besides there's only room for one villian and that was always the Predalien, any other main alien would have been confusing and too much for the audience.

thats what I hated !.
The predalien was a horrible actor , the brothers were too confident and thought there creature could take the place of alien. There were barely any alien scenese in the movie apart from the ones where they were getting the ^^^^ kicked outta em.
The trouble with the AVP movies is lack of focus and development of the subjects.

The thing that puts AVPR over AVP for me is that they did a good job developing Wolf and you gout a sense of him being a character and not just the Predator that happens to be in this movie like the AVP Preds were.

The PredAlien is a great creature design, evil looking and just has a nice aesthetic to it and feels like it belongs in the galaxy where Aliens and Predators exist. The downfall of it was lack of focus on it and development. AVPR should have been 2 hours, featured more scenes with the PredAlien and developed it as a character and not just do a rough establishment that it's a mix of both species. Combine that with a more engaging climactic duel instead of the short and lackluster one that was filmed and opinions of the creature would have been much different.

The use of the Aliens was fine in AVPR; while the tile is Aliens and Predator, it was really Hybrid vs Predator and the Aliens were just subcharacters, which is fine, as long as the focal characters are dealt with properly, but one wasn't so it hurt the use of the subcharacters.
Grid was meant to die in AVP.
The version we get to see is Grid dieing in the subterranean cave.
In the original version of the script, Grid was supposed to make it out of the tunnel with the Queen and get blown to bits on the surface.
There is footage of this in the original movie trailer from AVP, and during the movie itself, you can see bits and pieces of Grid scattered on the surface.

As the AVP and AVP:R movies....AVP is far superior to it.
It has a better story, lighting, location, and gave a real sense that the two species where on equal footing.

AVP:R, while they did a good job on the Predator, everything else about the movie falls short. Bad Creature design with regard to both the Predalien and the ALIEN Warriors. Rehashed suits and pippi-longstockings hairstyle? WTH? :confused:

Aliens as just sub-characters? ALIENS & sub-characters should never be uttered in the same sentence. :monkey2 While the prior statement true... that just adds to how bad of a movie AVP:R is. The Predalien should have been an accent, not a focal point. :(

Seriously though... AVP:R is fine as a Predator movie, but there is where it ends. :banghead
I thought AVP's story was ok up until the Pred partnered up with the chick. I know someone's pointed out such a relationship exists in the comics as well, but on screen it just came off totally cheesey and unbelievable and last thing a Predator should be part of is a buddy film which it felt like once the story took that direction. I thought the story of a cleaner coming in to take care of business was better and more believable, just unfortunate that some poor ideas clouded that well handled storyline.
I agree. The Lex/Pred team up was lame as hell.
My guess it that they (writers) didn't know how to get Lex out of the Pyramid without pairing them up.

Bottom line: Lex should have died in the pyramid or at least wandered out on her own, and Chopper should have lasted a longer.
The Predator parts of AVPR were great, it's too bad it wasn't just Predator 3 with no Aliens or PredAlien at all.
I think if there's another AVP film, it should be 2 hours, with 45 minutes given to the Predator(s), 45 to the Alien(s) and 30 to the human(s). Each species needs enough time to be developed and interesting, the one spot that's hurt the first 3 films, especially the humans.
I think if there's another AVP film, it should be 2 hours, with 45 minutes given to the Predator(s), 45 to the Alien(s) and 30 to the human(s). Each species needs enough time to be developed and interesting, the one spot that's hurt the first 3 films, especially the humans.

That's a great plan there man. Wish the film makers see this.
That's a great plan there man. Wish the film makers see this.
The problem is with the film makers we do get is that they are fans first and film makers second ...but then again a "real" director won't go anywhere near the franchise now.