Noob Aliens/Predator question

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Super Freak
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
I see NECA has done some really awesome looking stuff with Aliens and Predator.

I've casually looked at pics online, but NECA's output is overwhelming, and I get it confused with Hot Toys, Revoltech and any other company putting out figures from these properties.

But as far as I can tell, NECA's seem to have the best combination of accurate sculpts and articulation without costing hundreds of dollars per figure!

So back in the day I had some of the AvP stuff by Kenner. The two-pack which was the Classic Predator and Alien from the first movie, and the Scorpion Alien which was the ALIENS version.

I loved that Predator cause his mask was removable! Yes, they are old and dated but there is still a charm to those Kenner toys.

So here's my big noob question: are the most movie accurate versions of the Alien from "Alien" and "Aliens" readily available?

And what is the best version of the 1987 Predator? What is it called? Classic? Jungle? Is there a version with a removable mask? Or are masked and unmasked varients?

Sorry to ask what are probably obvious questions....but I'm really interested to find out! Thanks!
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Hey Otomofan!

Neca's "Aliens" figures are already pretty accurate but can be hard to find on ebay at a decent price these days. However, they are releasing an updated version of the figure in April with much more articulation. Neca's classic Alien is easier to find and is also pretty darn accurate, but they are also planning on updating that figure sometime in the near future as well. Here's a link for the news and pics:

As for the Jungle Hunter, none of the neca figures feature removable masks so you will have to hunt down separate figures if you want different looks.

I think out of all of Neca's Jungle Hunter Predator variants, I personally think the best 7" figure is the one found in the Toys R Us Exclusive Battle Damaged 2 Pack (this one comes with the City Hunter with the breathing mask and removable arm). The paint applications are improved from the older versions and he has better leg articulation. He also has green blood running down his leg. It is still in stock at their website:

If you perfer the masked look, Neca's releasing a 7" masked Jungle Hunter with the updated leg articulation in the new Dutch wave that should be out on shelves pretty soon. This one will not have any blood on its leg.

As for a 7" unmasked/closed mouth look, this figure was only available in another Toys R Us two pack which came with the classic alien figure. It can usually be found at around 50-60 bucks on ebay.

Neca also made 19 inch Jungle Hunter Predator figures in 4 different variants: One with the classic mask, unmasked with open mandibles, unmasked with closed mandibles, and one wearing the Predator 2 "Gort". You can still get the "gort" variant at at "substandard" quality, but the rest are sold out and quite rare.

These are just my recommendations, but I hope it helps!
Thanks Chunk!! Exactly the info I was hoping for.

For Predator, I prefer the masked look, so perhaps the upcoming one in the Dutch wave is for me. It's too bad there isn't one with a removable mask over the closed mandibles (like the old Kenner figure!)

As for Alien/Aliens, I'll keep an eye out for the latest releases...sounds like the best way to go.

Thanks again!
Well If you're looking for a removable mask predator, I recommend the revoltech classic predator, it has removable mask, individual dreadlocks, both wrist gauntlets are interactive, it has amazing articulation.

The sculpture is great, not as great as Neca's though, but the plastic they use feels better.

The paint is also very nice with that wet/jungle feel to it.

The proportions are a little off compared to NECA's 100% accuracy, but overall a very fun figure to play with.

Here are some pics.

