Nothing is true, Everything is permitted ~Assassin's Creed 1/6~ FINISHED w/ HQ pics!

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Super Freak
Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Empire City
Haven't really seen any Assassin's Creed customs, except one a few years back. So, I thought I'd make my own, considering I love the games, atmosphere and storytelling. This is based on Altair's design.





This is just a test fit, using a 21st Century body. Unfortunately, I don't have a 21st Century headsculpt, or hands, at my disposal.

The surcoat itself is a commission done by Amy Jones, of A.J. Clothiers. The hood is a modified DiD white military jacket/coat. The sewing work was done by a sibling who sews as a hobby.

Anyway, I still have to tweak the hood a good deal, once it's on the proper body, as right now it's overly large. Also, the shoulder flaps will need to be sewn down, I think. The white undershirt and green BDU pants are not part of the outfit. The actual figure is being fitted with vinyl leather at the moment.

It's taken me a while to gather all the various stock parts, miscellaneous bits, materials and tools to throw together this project. I'm looking to finally be finished in two weeks, as once again summer will be gone and my free time will diminish. I'll try and post more pics every so often, but the main thing is posting "finished" ones. :wink1:
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Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom

looking cool so far, the colour of the pants always irriatated me as sum picture show them as a grey and some as a white..guess imma have to play the game again, imma fan too!!.
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom

Thanks. These are actually really crappy pics on a really crappy figure. Need my high def cam. xD

The pants are a kind of charcoal, I believe. The shirt seems to be a grey though. The actual robe and hood, in the game, might be a really light grey, almost creamy white, but I just went with flat out white.

Anyway, I should have a pic of the figure later today, sans the straps and gear, as it's set aside for assembly.
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom

Had to sever and resew the eagle tip. It was originally too long. Still making the leather gear and harnesses and all that jazz. The belt and sash are the last real step afterwards.





The look is inspired by Altair, but will have obvious notable differences, as I also wanted him to have a more "ninja" like appearance. Although, my original inspiration for wanting to give him said appearance was due in part to the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood recruits...

Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom


Out of the work I've personally done, the most fun was making the mask. I suppose dying the undershirt, pants and leggings was fun too... if a bit messy. The left ninja gauntlet has just been a nightmare. Not even sure what to do with the right one, as it's too long and can't seem to remedy it without it looking goofy.
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom

Finally got around to making the sash and belt. Which means I'm now officially done with this kitbash, other than, at some point, fixing the shoulder harness into more of a v shape, where it connects at the back.

After two summers of tinkering with ideas, gathering parts, and getting as much sewing help as possible... I got my Assassin. :blissy :clap

I posted some pics below, but I'll take more with a high def camera sometime over the week. There's quite a lot of spare Hot Toys hands lying around I could use for a few nice poses and other various shots. Plus, I have another recent kitbash to pose with him. :D
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom

I have a backstory I may post at a later date, but it's rather long. Anyway, I call him Caspar Venere, "The Ghost."











Here's the parts/ingredients list:

Body - Hot Toys TrueType Male 08 (w/ TTM08 head sculpt)
Robe - Amy Jones “A.J. Clothiers” commission
Hood - Modified Dragon in Dreams WWII German Jacket
Ninja Mask - Custom made
Undershirt - Slightly dyed grey Ignite Medieval shirt
Pants - Charcoal dyed Ignite Samurai pants
Leggings - Dark Brown dyed Soldier Story US Marine leggings
Gauntlets - Crazy Owners Brown Ninja gauntlets
Left Arm Gauntlet - Modified Ninja gauntlet w/ vinyl leather & Hot Toys Ezio gauntlet
Tabi Shoes - Crazy Owners Brown Ninja Tabi
Hidden Blade - Hot Toys Ezio
Assassin Dagger - Dragon in Dreams Lord of the Rings sword/dagger?
Shoulder Harness - Custom made
Knight Sword - Ignite Medieval Knight sword & sheath (w/ custom vinyl harness)
Red Sash - Custom made
Leather Belt - Custom made
Small outer belt - Custom made (w/ Ignite Medieval Knight buckle)
Throwing Daggers - Crazy Owners Kunoichi throwing daggers (w/ custom sheathes)
Black coin pouch - Custom made
Black Pouch 2x - TTL small general purpose black pouches
Chained Shuriken - Goemon Ishikawa Shuriken w/ 2 Hot Toys TDK Joker chains (pinned at ninja star)
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Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom - FINISHED

Thanks guys.

By the way, everything is fully functional, except the hidden blade, as it's from the Hot Toys Ezio figure. I tried making my own functioning hidden blade out of Aves Apoxie sculpt, but the damn thing was fit too tight and ended up snapping in half during sanding. I got pissed and said **** it. Maybe one day I'll go back and try again.

Anyway, there's a roll of bandages in one of the black pouches and gold, varnished Grecian coins I made in the black coin pouch. Also, the chained shuriken can be attached to the right hand. Can't wait to take some pics of that. :D
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom - FINISHED

nice work .
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom - FINISHED

awesome!, i also thought they looked charcoal,lol, nice work there amigo!
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom - FINISHED

Thanks. Yeah, in a certain light the pants look kind of like a dark brown charcoal, the ones on my figure I mean.

Anyway, I updated my post with the recent pics to include the parts list at the bottom. Fairly simple stuff. I'm not really sure where the short sword/dagger came from, but I think it was a DiD LOTR figure.
Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom - FINISHED

Well, I got around to taking some high def pics, with the female bash as well. Be warned, it's fairly pic heavy.










Re: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted - Assassin's Creed 1/6 custom - FINISHED


Whew. Okay, done with pics for these figs now. :thud: