Now Available: Infinity Studio Valeera Sanguinar Statue 1/3 Scale Limited World Of Warcraft Collectible

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Comic Concepts

Freaked Out
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Aug 2, 2021
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World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Blizzard Entertainment that has been one of the world's most popular games for more than a decade. Valeera Sanguinar – the Shadow of the Uncrowned.

As a blood elf, Valeera is proud of her race’s traditions and strives to preserve and remain loyal to them. However, she does not affiliate herself with Que’Thalas or follow the Alliance or Horde but is only loyal to Varian and his son. Valeera is fiercely loyal to her friends and ideals. She is a formidable fighter in the arena and an excellent rogue. Countless enemies have fallen to her poison daggers, with no chance for betrayal.

The popular character Valeera Sanguinar is being brought back in 3D form after more than a decade since the release of DC Unlimited’s World of Warcraft Series 1, now with more details and refined craftsmanship. Infinity Studio based its model on World of Warcraft 8.2.5, with repeated modeling and design refinements to present the character with a near-CG real appearance, showcasing the unique curves of a blood elf’s charm and the danger and mystery of an assassin.

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