Official A NEW HOPE Leia PF Image Thread

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Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

OK, if I get this Leia, this is the only PF of her I'll get. And I most likely won't get GG's Slave Leia either. Damn you all, damn you all to hell!
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

Nice set up Mini!

It looks great!
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

I look at pics of 1/6 figures on display and then PF collections (like Gruson's, tomandshell's, Darth Loki, and Mini-Rock's above) and suddenly I feel like Darth Vader trying to decide between siding with Luke or the Emperor. The more I compare the two the more I lean toward chucking the 12 inchers over the railing.

Just for once, I'd like to look on a PF figure in my own house. :vader :D
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

Anyone got that email address to get this damn thing?
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house


Did you miss out on the 16-inch tall, Princess Leia Exclusive Premium Format figure? Well, you are in luck since we have a few available! If you would like to own this highly sought after piece for only US$274, simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject 'I want Leia!'. Include your user account name and your email address and we will book your order, which will ship out immediately! THIS IS NOT A WAIT LIST REQUEST! US shipping approximately $10-$14. (Est. Ship Costs - EU and International) (offer good while supplies last)
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

Darth Loki said:


I want to email and get one these two but Im resisting the temptation because once I start I couldnt stop next would be luke then vader and han and obi. it would never stop.
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

jason2885 said:
I want to email and get one these two but Im resisting the temptation because once I start I couldnt stop next would be luke then vader and han and obi. it would never stop.

At least you're smarter than I am. Already looking on eBay for Han.:eek:
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

Darth Loki said:
At least you're smarter than I am. Already looking on eBay for Han.:eek:

I want these and I think now is the time to get them. Luke and Han can be had easily for under $150 so that would be about $600 for just Luke Han and Leia. Vader is going for around $300 I would guess with alot of higher auctions not being bid on. and theres an Obi exclusive for $250 BIN price. So that would be about $1100 to get the New Hope set and as soon as the droids come out I would have to get them.
I cant wait to get a job when Im out of college. Im going to be an electrical engineer this time next year hopefully and can afford stuff like this. I would get constant ridicule from my gf and my mom if I spent my first pay check buying Star Wars statues though :D
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

KitFisto said:
I knew you would give in! :lol

Of course I just bought the SE Tie Fighter, the Lucius bust, NECA Balrog's shipping, 2 Harry Potter busts are shipping, and 12" Han might be on this CC bill as well, and I also got another 12" Luke.

Thank god for a 3 pay check month. I wonder if it's too late to ask my ex to stay through Sept?
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

Darth Loki said:
Of course I just bought the SE Tie Fighter, the Lucius bust, NECA Balrog's shipping, 2 Harry Potter busts are shipping, and 12" Han might be on this CC bill as well, and I also got another 12" Luke.

Thank god for a 3 pay check month. I wonder if it's too late to ask my ex to stay through Sept?

I can see it now..."Please stay and feed me. This is big collectibles month!" :rotfl ......I have to admit, I'd try it!
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

I'm going to try and maintain enough self control to only get ONE PF figure that represents each movie in the saga. They would be:

TPM: Obi-Wan
AOTC: Geonosis Arena Padme
ROTS: Anakin
ANH: Leia
ESB: Dagobah Luke/Yoda (though this would be trumped if they ever release a full Bespin version)
ROTJ: Boba Fett

And since they are so integral to the entire saga: R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Boba Fett
The Droids

Let's see if I can resist picking up a Han, Chewie, suited Vader, ROTS Obi-Wan, or whoever else. I'm sure it will be tough....
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house


I think you can let go of the dream of a Bespin Luke. I don't think they'll release any other Luke other than a ROTJ version (1 from each film).

Does anyone need their lawn mowed? :eek:
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

Darth Loki said:
At least you're smarter than I am. Already looking on eBay for Han.:eek:
Han is available from sideshow well the regular one is. The exclusive has been going for $450 or more. If you have a sideshow giftcard it works on Han. It saved me $75:chew
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

mfoga said:
Han is available from sideshow well the regular one is. The exclusive has been going for $450 or more. If you have a sideshow giftcard it works on Han. It saved me $75:chew

I don't want to pay more than $150 for Han. And I wasn't able to go to the con so no gift card for me.
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

mfoga said:
Han is available from sideshow well the regular one is. The exclusive has been going for $450 or more. If you have a sideshow giftcard it works on Han. It saved me $75:chew
But you can get a regualar Han on ebay for $150 which is cheaper than Sideshows.
Re: PF Exclusive Leia in house

jason2885 said:
But you can get a regualar Han on ebay for $150 which is cheaper than Sideshows.


There are no BIN's for $150 and the last one I was watching went for almost $190. I'm gonna show some patience for once and wait for the right deal to come along.