official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Ok. I've held my tongue for as long as i can tolerate it. i know we've got our fair share of Military, and other experts that are related to this particular figure here, but how many of you know anything about human physiology and anatomy? Going strictly from that perspective, of how a REAL PERSON is built physicaly, the truetype, while an excelent body as far as articulation is concerned, is one of the WORST BODIES IN THE ASPECTS OF REALISM. the shoulders are urealisticly wide, the arms are too long, the torso front to back is too thin.
Don't get me wrong, i like the truetype, but Accept the truth people, the stupid is causing me physical pain.
here lets start with the shoulder shape. the human body has SLIGHTLY SLOPING SHPULDERS as shown here

And the funny thing is, the more muscled you get, the MORE PROUNOUNCED THIS SLOPE BECOMES


The reasaon for this is the neck slopes into the shoulder via the

Here is a render of an average military man used in most video games.


Another real shot, slightly less muscled


beleive it or not, these " sloped shoulders are more closely creted by * gasp* the pro body?! who would have thunk it? sideshow actualy did something right? Still don't beleive me ? there are TONS of tutorials over one the OSW boards about slimming down the Truetpes shoulders to make them more real. Everyone is also waiting with batied breath to see the new "slim" truetypes. funny, I'll bet they have the same "wimpy shoulders" that the pro does. The sloping factor aside, the shoulders themselves are FAR TOO WIDE for any real human being.
Is it possible to get the shoulder shape the truetpe holds in a real person? yes, there are a few ways. I knew a guy in highschool who had Cerebral palsy and he held his shoulders like that at all times. Also, if you shrug your shoulders you'll get the same pose. the shrugging act gets you the "inverted T" shape that the Truetype has.
not a male body, but the best i can find at the moment


Hotting on torso depth, if you fix the shoulder width on the truetype, then the chest width is fine , but for how wide the shoulders are, the chest is not properly purportioned.

the other issue is the arms. Bend your arms at the elbow, and notice where your wrst touches your shoulder. your wrist should be right above wherre the top of your armpit is, more or less. the truuetype's arms are closer to the top of the shoulder. add the hands, and we get monkey arms.
not as bad as early luke jedi from sideshow, but the problem is still there.

All this is from the viewpoint of an artist as far as realism is concerned, if you prefer the way a truetype looks, there is nothing wrong with that. But calling it more accurate to the human form is completely incorrect, becuase it's not.

from an asthetic standpoint, now having 3 figures on the pro body, i can now safely say I prefer the pro as far as 1/6th bodies look. As far as tightness of joints go, i've only ever gotten 1 more loose pro body than i have loose hot toys bodies. ( 1 loos hot toys body, 2 loose pro bodies) and the second "loose body" was signifigantly less loose than the first, and I expect this trend to continue. 6 or so months from now, it'll be one of the best bodies on the market, Watch.
It's not really subjective. The topic of needing to pick up a TT for every Joe to keep them in scale is appropriate here then as well. If the Pro's supposed to represent the average Joe at 6ft, and the TT to the right is taller, I'd guess a good representation of 6'4," then your Snake Eyes is topping the charts at the scaled equivalent of about 6'6," putting him in Dooku territory heightwise. :lol

Your figures don't need to have the same exact height to be in escale with each other as long as they all are 1/6 escale.

And if I change my Snake Eyes boots he will be shorter, and more in scale for your personal taste but I like how they look.
i dislike the pro but i think the true type doesn't really look any better....

i don't really understand why people think that these are their only two body choices for this figure....

there are plenty of other bodies on the market that would probably work a lot better on this figure..


toy soldier:


Twisting Toys:

soldier story S2:

some of these may take a little more work to make the conversion but that doesn't mean that you have to be stuck wit just the Pro or the true type as your only options...
The shoulders on the TrueType really do look odd. On most figures its not a big issue, but that is one aspect I hope they change with future bodies.

The pro can look a bit odd in some poses, but if you work with the shoulders it seems you can find poses that look good. I think its a very good base body design, just need to get the consistency up a bit and it should be a winner.
i dislike the pro but i think the true type doesn't really look any better....

i don't really understand why people think that these are their only two body choices for this figure....

there are plenty of other bodies on the market that would probably work a lot better on this figure..

The TT is easy to get and looks great for about 97% of figures out there. Ace is nice, but not easy to find. The BBI is just comical looking. And most of those figures have ^^^^ty hands.
i dislike the pro but i think the true type doesn't really look any better....

i don't really understand why people think that these are their only two body choices for this figure....

there are plenty of other bodies on the market that would probably work a lot better on this figure..


toy soldier:


Twisting Toys:

soldier story S2:

some of these may take a little more work to make the conversion but that doesn't mean that you have to be stuck wit just the Pro or the true type as your only options...

I think we only talk about true type because the conversion is a lot easier, for Snake Eyes I would like to try an ACE body or one of the new Triad Toys, but I only have Hot Toys and BBI at the moment.
I would not suggest an Ace body for Snake Eyes. I have a couple and while they are great for some customs... I think it would be way to bulky and I would guess the pants would not fit around the waist.
I would not suggest an Ace body for Snake Eyes. I have a couple and while they are great for some customs... I think it would be way to bulky and I would guess the pants would not fit around the waist.

Same with the BBI. The way the chest looks and the sculpted nipples makes Snake Eyes look like he has breasts. Haven't tried an ACE body as they're not exactly easy to track down.
Ok. I've held my tongue for as long as i can tolerate it. i know we've got our fair share of Military, and other experts that are related to this particular figure here, but how many of you know anything about human physiology and anatomy? Going strictly from that perspective, of how a REAL PERSON is built physicaly, the truetype, while an excelent body as far as articulation is concerned, is one of the WORST BODIES IN THE ASPECTS OF REALISM. the shoulders are urealisticly wide, the arms are too long, the torso front to back is too thin.
Don't get me wrong, i like the truetype, but Accept the truth people, the stupid is causing me physical pain.
here lets start with the shoulder shape. the human body has SLIGHTLY SLOPING SHPULDERS as shown here

And the funny thing is, the more muscled you get, the MORE PROUNOUNCED THIS SLOPE BECOMES


The reasaon for this is the neck slopes into the shoulder via the

Here is a render of an average military man used in most video games.


Another real shot, slightly less muscled


beleive it or not, these " sloped shoulders are more closely creted by * gasp* the pro body?! who would have thunk it? sideshow actualy did something right? Still don't beleive me ? there are TONS of tutorials over one the OSW boards about slimming down the Truetpes shoulders to make them more real. Everyone is also waiting with batied breath to see the new "slim" truetypes. funny, I'll bet they have the same "wimpy shoulders" that the pro does. The sloping factor aside, the shoulders themselves are FAR TOO WIDE for any real human being.
Is it possible to get the shoulder shape the truetpe holds in a real person? yes, there are a few ways. I knew a guy in highschool who had Cerebral palsy and he held his shoulders like that at all times. Also, if you shrug your shoulders you'll get the same pose. the shrugging act gets you the "inverted T" shape that the Truetype has.
not a male body, but the best i can find at the moment


Hotting on torso depth, if you fix the shoulder width on the truetype, then the chest width is fine , but for how wide the shoulders are, the chest is not properly purportioned.

the other issue is the arms. Bend your arms at the elbow, and notice where your wrst touches your shoulder. your wrist should be right above wherre the top of your armpit is, more or less. the truuetype's arms are closer to the top of the shoulder. add the hands, and we get monkey arms.
not as bad as early luke jedi from sideshow, but the problem is still there.

All this is from the viewpoint of an artist as far as realism is concerned, if you prefer the way a truetype looks, there is nothing wrong with that. But calling it more accurate to the human form is completely incorrect, becuase it's not.

from an asthetic standpoint, now having 3 figures on the pro body, i can now safely say I prefer the pro as far as 1/6th bodies look. As far as tightness of joints go, i've only ever gotten 1 more loose pro body than i have loose hot toys bodies. ( 1 loos hot toys body, 2 loose pro bodies) and the second "loose body" was signifigantly less loose than the first, and I expect this trend to continue. 6 or so months from now, it'll be one of the best bodies on the market, Watch.

I like how people have completely ignored this.

Thank you, lerath.

And for the record, I know plenty about the "history" of Snake Eyes. However, I doubt the history of a fictional character has anything to do with the proportions of a figure that's supposed to be a realistic version of him.
I like how people have completely ignored this.

Thank you, lerath.

And for the record, I know plenty about the "history" of Snake Eyes. However, I doubt the history of a fictional character has anything to do with the proportions of a figure that's supposed to be a realistic version of him.

Yeah, but as you already know, it's like that alot around here, any time you mention anything negative about HotToys. This is despite the continual addressing of TT's unrealistic proportions by myself and several others, and now Lerath :lol. Yet without fail, some douchy fanboy will always drop ass and throw a conniption fit because to him, they're the 2nd coming of Christ. :rolleyes:

Medicom has the Medicommunists aka Medicommies. What would be a good name for the HotToys fantics. HotToiletters? :p
Hey, I love Hot Toys (I own all their Dark Knight stuff besides Two-Face), don't get me wrong...but I've never understood the blind loyalty some people have to certain companies. I've always been a fan of good figures in general, don't really give a crap who makes them. Funny thing, that.
Hey, I love Hot Toys (I own all their Dark Knight stuff besides Two-Face), don't get me wrong...but I've never understood the blind loyalty some people have to certain companies. I've always been a fan of good figures in general, don't really give a crap who makes them. Funny thing, that.

Hey, I get labeled a Sideshow Apologist all the time despite the fact that I've been vocal on numerous occasions about the quality of a product they released or the way it looks in prodo pics, etc. I think every company, even Hasbro (Dooku and Jango were awesome) has produced great things as well as producing their fair share of turds. Although more often than not, people often forget to add the price into comparison too and I think that's a key factor of any argument.
If you like something, and see something bad said about it, then you feel a need to reinforce your existing way of thinking, and respond likewise, which further reinforces your initial view, even to the point of exaggerating your initial feelings. No one wants to appear wrong, so they will argue themselves in circles until they can justify to themself that they don't appear inept to the rest of the online community observing. Its all about maintaining a consistent structure of cognitive beliefs and some self-perceived "reputation," and explains 90+% of internet forum disputes, IMO.

This does not say that I agree at all with the True Type issue. I don't more strongly prefer any one 1/6 body over another. . .except that Medicom has to be at the bottom of my list, due to size and durability. Also, old school Sideshow sucks because they didn't make an easily removable neck joint :mad: