Ouch, someone got screwed. WATCH out on ebay people!!

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lol yup but good luck fighting that with the idiots that work at paypal. I once bought $1100 of Albert Pujols cards because I knew I could sell them all for about 2500. Well I got them and when looked at the 2 best cards they were jacked in condition. I wrote him, he basicaly said F off. I wrote paypal and open a dispute. Paypals response " we feel that the condition of the item does not effect its value in this situation" WTF. Well I sold it all and I showed the defects in the images and made maybe 200 bucks on the deal
i cant believe how people can happily screw others. If i ever bid on e bay, i would want a few more pictures than that one of the predator.
I almost bid on it but I noticed that the predator was holding a tail from an alien and I had never seen that on the 8 or whatever predators hot toys made.
That is not even Hot Toys, it seems to be Kotobukiya AVP Scar like the set I have for sale/trade too

Yep that's the one. I have the set also. They're nice pieces but not for $400 bucks. Well I saw that ebay thread earlier. I didn't think anyone would be dumb enough to bid on it since it's obviously not the HT Scar. The idiot that paid that kind of money without doing proper research on the item deserves to be screwed. It's just like Hairlesswookie's situation where the idiot just threw all these comments about how the figure shouldn't be this or shouldn't be that but in reality everything is just the way they should be. Ah well. That's what scammers look for. Dumb people with too much money. :lol
Yikes! Words can be tricky on eBay.. And the sellers are getting smarter, tsk, tsk..

I'll add this guy to my blocked bidders list :)

Did you use a credit card to pay for the item via PayPal? How about reversing the charges?
If you're stupid enough to bid on that Pred based on one fuzzy iphone shot and a b.s description, then more fool you..
You cant assume that everyone is sharp enough to know the truth.You need to be able to trust sellers to be honest.I reported this ******...
This really sucks for the person but do people not do any research on product that they are purchasing. Not just what is reported by the seller but going to a company's website and looking and being like, Hey wait a second thats not a hot toys figure!
You cant assume that everyone is sharp enough to know the truth.You need to be able to trust sellers to be honest.I reported this ******...

If I was gonna spend $400 bucks on something, I damn will make sure I am sharp enough for that moment. Trust sellers? We're in a world where it's hard enough to trust anyone even your neighbors let alone some dude you've never met before in your life. Good for you that you reported this ****** and he deserves to be reported. But honestly, the buyer is still a dumb@$$ in my book. :lol
There was an auction a few years back of a HUGE Star Wars collection. Busts, figures, props you name it.....It was very cleverly worded at the very end of a VERY lengthy description that you were actually buying two 8x10 pictures of the collection! It went for about $900 dollars.
That's pretty dishonest by the seller, but the figure is obviously not Hot Toys. I don't know what the bidder(s) were thinking. If they don't know what they are doing, well. . .I'm not saying they weren't misled, but I'm sure the winner learned/will learn an important lesson about looking at the picture before bidding. Once I sold some crappy McFarlane Lost figure, and the buyer was just furious that I didn't note in my description that the sticker was on the box, though it was clearly there in the picture. Buyers who don't know what something is or who don't pay attention to things should be held accountable to some extent.

I also noticed that it was an auction, so it took at least 2 people bidding to get the price as high as it went.
I saw that auction, too. Couldn't believe they didn't bother to check the darn picture. Does THAT look like an HT Pred to you??

Either way, the seller's definitely in the wrong. Wonder how this'll be handled. I feel sorry for the buyer, but for that much money, they really should know what they're bidding on. Also it says "Figure is complete with both heads and spear." Personally, that sentence'd shoot off warning bells for me.
as misleading as the title is, come on!!
Look at the picture!!! :horror
It's the buyer's fault for being ignorant IMO...
If you don't know what you're supposed to be buying, then don't buy it!!