Out of all the movie quotes in your arsenal, which do you use most in daily life???

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Grange Wallis

Super Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Ok there is a mill here. But basically out of all the movie and in all the world which lines do you use/incorporate into your daily jargon???

So name the character, the movie, the quote and when and where it's used...

Superman from Superman II " To late Luther, to late" Whenever some one second guess them selves or changes their mind.
Ace Venture "Take Care now, bye-bye then!"
T1000 from T2: "Get out" used to my passangers once I've parked the car!
Turkish from Snatch "Quickly, before zee Germens get here"
Rhett Butler from Gone With The Wind "Frankly, my dear I don't give a damn" Girlfriend gets that one a lot!
FBI Agent Angelo Pappas from Point Break "Utah, get me two" Generally saved for someone who buying the next round. :)
Will Hunting from Good Will Hunting "How do you like them apple?" Whenever I win a sport, arguement whatever!
Joker from Batman '89 " "Ever danced with the devil my the pale moon light" Whenever I feel the urge..

There's load more... I have even tapped the protental here. I'll be kicking myself soon, when you guy all bring the "A" Material!
Probably the most overused, both by me and everyone I know - the Guvernator's line - "ahl be bahck".
"Get to the chopper!" - Arnold Schwarzenneger as Dutch in Predator :D

"That's a bold statement" - Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction

"Find my wallet...It's the one that says 'Bad Motherf@#ker on it" - Jules Winfield in Pulp Fiction :rock
It's not much of a quote, but I often say "that's interesting" in good old Captain Jack Sparrow tone, that and "that'll do donkey" from Shrek.
"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club."

"There can be only one!"

"You have been and always be...my friend."

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."
"Hello There" from hot fuzz when sgt angel's ex girlfriend said she was dating someone else.. and the guy in the CSI suit turns around and waves.
My best friend in high school and I used to say "I've got the need...the need for speed!" Looking back on that...it was incredibly corny!! :lol

We would also throw in "No More Wire Hangers!!!" whenever we got a chance. but that was about it.......:eek:
For some odd reason I'm constantly quoting "we are quite safe from your pitiful little band!" in the Emperor's voice, plus I'm known for unwittingly spilling "I've got a bad feeling about this" without even realizing it. And of course, anytime my roommates leave out comes "may the Force be with you."

Dang but those movies are quotable!
When my brother used to play fight with me, and would get the upper hand in pining me down or beating me up, he'd say... "It is your destiny!" I used to hate that...
I like to use "God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius!" It's a good way to say to someone, "hey, good job."

And recently, and for no good reason at all, "That'll do pig; that'll do." Never where any woman could overhear. Women wouldn't understand. Usually it's directed at the microwave or the toaster oven.
Robert DeNiro
"This is this".
I have found it especially useful in discussions on the internet and even in real life where someone wants to tell you that "this is just like _______(fill in the blank)" No its not. This is this. It is not something else.

My six year old grandson uses "my precious" from Gollum in LOTR quite a bit to describe anything he wants or likes or is enjoying.
I like to use

And recently, and for no good reason at all, "That'll do pig; that'll do." Never where any woman could overhear. Women wouldn't understand. Usually it's directed at the microwave or the toaster oven.

Oh I love that line and that movie!!!! That would be another quote I say on occasion....I sometimes say it to the little girl I nanny....we watched Babe together so she thinks it's funny.
has just been revoked - lethal weapon 2

damnit kohagen, give the people the air - total recall

hello, mcfly *tap on head* - back to the future

The force will be with you...always - a new hope

Im going to make him an offer he can't refuse - godfather

There's no crying in baseball - a league of their own

who's looking at you kid - casablanca

I know some are corny, but a lot of them work with the ladies
"Now this really pisses me off to no end" - Lo Pan in Big Trouble in Little China
"It's all in the reflexes" - Jack Burton in same
Of course... "I ain't got time to bleed" etc etc from Predator.
Wow, i can't even pick I use so many.

One I use a lot is when I call someone and they answer I say "Give me your address there" - Arnold in Terminator when he called the hotel where Sarah and Kyle were staying.

I use a lot of movie quotes though.