Padawan Pete's 1/6 customs

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Super Freak
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol UK
OK i have been reading up on tips on painting etc and now i wont to take a bash at making a figure.
I am starting on a 1/6 neo from the matrix as i came across a head in my paint tin that loooked a lot like neo after a bit of sanding and resculped hair.
here is a rought bash of the hair just need to sculp the hair more but i think i have got the shape right

thinking of getting these glasses for him but if any one knows of better ones please let me know
also going to buy the triad chosen one outfit
Feedback is very welcome please
From what I can see of it - (tried clicking it but imageshack the pile of *%$& website that it is, doesnt allow you to view images unless you create an account with them, and I wont cause that just bugs me)

Seems good

I take it youve got a body in mind ? Heres a good reference for choosing

Im guessing it would be an idea to get the clothing in hand to compare it on a sideshow figure - im guessing youve got a sideshow buck body - then you can size up which of these would be best suited

Painting tips Id do some searches on Dark Artists posts as he has made some very useful tips recently

Hope this helps
Thanks for the tips dude.
Think i will go with a hot toys body becuase i want him to pull off some cool poses.
Her is a pic of a custom full metal edward with the neo head painted behind him.
i resculped the hair and face and repainted him

Here is my neo head for my first full custom but has been put on hold for a bit due to lack of funds.
I painted it using the tips from darkartist
think it came out ok for one of my first repaints

Hey guys more customs in the pipe line and im hoping 4 you to give me some feedback on a re sculpt.
Due to the S-mart ash being hard to find i decided to make mine own using the normal ash figure my bro sold me for a tenner :D
Ok this is it after retooling the chin and cheeks

I gave it a coat of paint so i can see if i needed to fil any bits.
I have painted the eyes on so you can see what i am trying to go for with the end product.

Had some tips of darren on how to sculpt hair and what to use (thanks dude :rock) so going to sculp some hair on him buty i am going for more of a evil dead 2 look.

Thanks for looking and please let me know if you think i can improve any thing on the face.
Here is a pic of my aragorn with the outfit having being taken apart for the 3rd time.
The head has been painted by darren and it kicks a$$

I deam of one day painting this good

Oh and darren if your reading i do have a confession to make.
Some times when i have brought girls back to see my geek shrine and my lightsaber. They have commented on how life like the paints on some of my figures are, i have said i painted them :eek:
Buuuut i have been layed after so it all went to a good cause :D
Thanks for the great work dude and keep it coming
arnie soon :monkey5
Essentially you're saying that you're sleeping with the women that Darren's picked up.

tsk tsk

I'm going to take the TPM Obi that Darren painted for me down to the bar.:cool:

haha, omg I just had to put my coffee down...... lol

A whole army of people getting their end away because of me :rotfl fabulous

(by the way Pete that Aragorn's looking pretty good there, good work on the clothes. If you ever want any reference pics of the real outfit give me a shout I've got loads here, lol)
Sorry darren that appears to be a fact of like
If you r tallented soner or later some one is going to come along and take credit for your work and get layed because of it

LOl when i had them all sent off i had a cabenet full of 1/6 figures with now head and when asked i used to say i take them of b4 i go out so they cant see me having sex if i pull.

not to worry about the pics im cool.
The last one i did for my brother i overdid on the weathering and it looked far to muddy at the end so i have just sanded the sheen of and put a watered down wash of mud on it.

Thanks 4 the comments guys :rock
Here is a pic of my aragorn with the outfit having being taken apart for the 3rd time.
The head has been painted by darren and it kicks a$$

I deam of one day painting this good

Oh and darren if your reading i do have a confession to make.
Some times when i have brought girls back to see my geek shrine and my lightsaber. They have commented on how life like the paints on some of my figures are, i have said i painted them :eek:
Buuuut i have been layed after so it all went to a good cause :D
Thanks for the great work dude and keep it coming
arnie soon :monkey5

Darren can I get some repaints. My wife won't like it but it sounds like I will.
lol thanks 4 the comment again guys.

The neo is waiting for my tax rebate to come so i can buy the triad toys outfit but i am still looking 4 some glasses. if any man could find some please let me know.
not been posting in a while but my neo outfit did not fit a hot toys so neet to altar one or find a new body .
Been pimping up my aragon even more.
Put him on a hot toys white mustle body and made his jacket fit tighter on the arms and back so when i put the arm band things from TTT his jacket dont bunch up

I also made a red shirt and glued and blended in some leather so that the gloves look more like the real one and i can make a end of fellowship version.
i also filled the gap between the head and the neck post and matched the colour of darrens great repaint so the neck and chest look more realistic.

one day i may call it a day with this bad boy but i at least need to make a helms deep version.
Any one know of some good flexable but nice looking 1/6 chain mail?
i already have a WIP for it
Incase any one was wondering why i am so hocked on this aragorn its not just because all the movies are great its also because last year i took a trip round the world and stopped off im new zealand witch was the longest i stayed in one country in the space of a year.
It was the nicest place i have ever been its like home but better i hope to live there for a few years when i have the money and finish college... heres some pics

Have hundreds of pics (most of them with me drunk) but these are the best LOTR ones. Meet the guy of in the pics in cairns in Oz and bumped in to him in melbourne and decided to meet up in NZ because we both loved lotr and traveled together the whole time and saw most of the places.
Had a tat so i would always remember my litttle LOTR adventure

"Where did you get that elven knife? I still need to find one for my Aragorn..."

I made it from a DID aragorn 1/6 one
I will post more details on how to make one in the future but basicly it was just the metal knife with a seth and the handle molded on then the leather parts stuck on.

And les it was great New Zealand is suck a beautyful place and i i say anyone shoild go there if they like lotr or not there is some thing for everyone.
I even managed to get a full size aragorn pipe so we could some some toby when we got to the the places we had to camp at :rock2