Petition for Hot Toys to finish "their" Watchmen line.

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Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

So everyone is still talking about the Watchmen line like it is still happening. So I assume it is I am just wondering why they released two figures, then what, not mention the production of another? If you guys have seen different please tell me lol.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

With all of the surprise announcements of figures we've nearly given up on, I would say Rorschach has a chance.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Rorschach is really needed for this line, just isn't Watchmen without him! COME ON HOT TOYS! :D
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I don't think we will see him unless there is a reason for a smaller body to off set the production costs. If HT would have used one of there standard bodie he wouldn't have sold well. People would be pissed off because of the scale issue. The comedian came first because all he was was a head sculpt and clothes. Silk was also a head sculpt and clothes because they were already developing the body to sell in their TT line. We may see Ror in the future if maybe they decide to may young john Connor. But I don't think their bodies are the same size either.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Definitely a big supporter of this.

I'm of the mindset that perhaps we haven't seen figures like Rorscach and Manhattan because HT hasn't figured out how to make translucent glowing blue neon skin and fabric with moving ink patterns... yet.

But they damn well better.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I could do without Manhattan ..never liked him. He would be difficult to make imo..even for hot toys.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I could do without Manhattan ..never liked him. He would be difficult to make imo..even for hot toys.

Yeah, Manhattan bothered me to no end....

And yeah I don't know how HT will make one that is really good.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I don't think we will see him unless there is a reason for a smaller body to off set the production costs. If HT would have used one of there standard bodie he wouldn't have sold well. People would be pissed off because of the scale issue. The comedian came first because all he was was a head sculpt and clothes. Silk was also a head sculpt and clothes because they were already developing the body to sell in their TT line. We may see Ror in the future if maybe they decide to may young john Connor. But I don't think their bodies are the same size either.

They might...might! be developing a new body for Jet Li from the expendables, cause he's so short, so that might help in this situation
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I'll buy a Night Owl II, such a cool design. Rorschach has the best chance of being made.

Maybe they'll revisit the line, seems like a slim chance for any more of them.

This is one thing that bugs me with Hot Toys, half the line, one of the line, just do them all.:gah:
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Yea I'd definitely buy the whole line if I could at least seem some type of production of night owl II
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

If HT would have used one of there standard bodie he wouldn't have sold well. People would be pissed off because of the scale issue.
I don't think most people would have cared very much about that. Some would of course, but I figure most would have been happy with a Rorschach period, in perfect scale or no.

But beyond that, in the comic he had platform shoes to appear to be of a normal height. Not sure if he was all that small in the movie, but I'll guess he was based on what you guys are saying.

Not that I need a Rorschach. I just picked up a great custom that I'm very happy with.


Now I just need the Comedian and Spectre :lol
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

That is a cool custom there karamazov.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

It was one of Dark Artist's. Putting all the recent drama with him aside, his customs are top notch.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

i don't think they will make more Watchmen because the movie did bad in theaters........ but petitions can make a difference!
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I won't pick up a single figure until the whole line-up is made.
Come on, Hot Toys!