Looks promising alas, I recently cancelled my Prime subscription on the 12th.
I've gone from watching multiple TV shows to almost naught.
- Burned out perhaps, but more likely is that I've just become disheartened with TV in part due to studios / writers abilities to see a series through. In my mind it's unlikely you'll get a Sopranos or Wire these days, as (IMO) there will come a point where a show pulls a Lost or does something utterly stupid and or tries a nonsensical plot twist for the sake of it which effective undermines what came before it and in the end kills the show for a lot (most?) of its core fan base.
That or it gets cancelled.
Prime and Netflix are a tad different I suppose, but still are not immune from point one and could also be affected by point two.
So yeah, Walking dead and a few other shows have put me off watching anything 'new'.