Freaked Out
Hi gang,
I just wanted to ask the community if you could help my little sister. She's trying to get her own show on Oprah's new TV network and has a short audition video posted on the Oprah website. She needs votes, though! You can vote as many times as you like, but the more votes, the better. ^_^ I love my sister and I'm trying my best to help her realize her dream. Please vote for her and pass on the link to your friends and so on. It would be greatly appreciated. Here's the link:
Thanks everybody!
-Your friendly neighborhood Gremlin
I just wanted to ask the community if you could help my little sister. She's trying to get her own show on Oprah's new TV network and has a short audition video posted on the Oprah website. She needs votes, though! You can vote as many times as you like, but the more votes, the better. ^_^ I love my sister and I'm trying my best to help her realize her dream. Please vote for her and pass on the link to your friends and so on. It would be greatly appreciated. Here's the link:
Thanks everybody!
-Your friendly neighborhood Gremlin