PT PF's or no PT PF's?

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Freaked Out
Jul 18, 2008
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Guess I need your advice here. I've only been collecting OT PF's so far (one for each movie) since the original movies mean so much to me and the prequels don't. (Say, they are okay and getting better with each movie, not more, not less).

However I was so impressed by the Anakin exclusive PF that I ordererd one. Still I'm uncertain what to do:

1) Cancel it and stick to OT PF's only
2) Keep it as the only PT PF
3) Keep it and get PT Obi-Wan as well. And Darth Maul as well. And...

I really fear that once I get a PT PF it won't be the last one. It's an addiction as we all know. :)

What would you do?
Guess I need your advice here. I've only been collecting OT PF's so far (one for each movie) since the original movies mean so much to me and the prequels don't. (Say, they are okay and getting better with each movie, not more, not less).

However I was so impressed by the Anakin exclusive PF that I ordererd one. Still I'm uncertain what to do:

1) Cancel it and stick to OT PF's only
2) Keep it as the only PT PF
3) Keep it and get PT Obi-Wan as well. And Darth Maul as well. And...

I really fear that once I get a PT PF it won't be the last one. It's an addiction as we all know. :)

What would you do?

Do what I did. Buy one and then go back and start buying the rest. :lecture
How about you just go about PF's like I do, and only get what you REALLY want, what you really like. If you liked the design of a character (or the character in general) from the PT, then grab one.

Doesn't always have to be all OT, all the time.
I would advise finding a theme for your display. That's how I decided to curb my collection. For the Star Wars PF's I have the four heroes from ANH Luke, Han, Leia, Obi. And I'm going to have the big Sith Maul, Dooku, Ani, and Vader (Maybe [probably] Palpatine). Then I also got Boba so I have have Boba and Jango.
Just collect what you like whether it's PT or OT.
I don't really care alot for the PT movies as much as the OT movies but i find myself actually liking the PT items more and more.
how can anyone not like the PF exclusive grievous?

It is simply the best piece in the line, surpassing even the speederbike/scout imho.
how can anyone not like the PF exclusive grievous?

It is simply the best piece in the line, surpassing even the speederbike/scout imho.

It is an awesome piece, but it takes up so much space. It'd be better if the back lightsabers were in a different position.
I had a complete collection of the PFs and earlier this year decided to go OT only because I'm running out of space. Grievous was awesome but a space hog and I didn't have room for him after getting the Speeder Bike. Maul was cool as well, but sometimes you need to focus your collecting due to space concerns and I made the choice to get red if the prequal pieces I had and cancel those on preorder (Anakin and Asajj). Saves me a little money, as well.
Wht the heck is OT and PT?!? But I'd say get what you REALLY like :D

prequel trilogy
and original trilogy.

I say just buy what you like, if the piece looks cool, then have it, its not like they fight with each other when your not there if you mix them,
Grevious and Maul are 2 of the best executed PFs in the line, so if you like the characters I'd say go for both. (just noticed, we only have villains for the PT - if you include the Exclusive Anakin head).
I would go PT. The worst figures in the Line are Luke & Han, other then that the line is really strong. IF the PT figures didn't come out so good, it would be an easy answer. But this is my favorite SS line, the Marvel stuff is right up there, but thats it. I would get them now. The prices are good. And word is slowly spreading. And being SW it won't lose its spark like LOTR did.