Demi G0D Overseer
I am finding that people on this web site really defend Sideshow. I can appreciate that being this is a Sideshow fan board. I myself love them and will continue to buy from them. However, I get upset when we discuss an item and have negative things to say. Not everything Sideshow does is golden. I think I have come up with the problem. Some of the hardcore peeps on the site who will defend them tooth and nail actually know Sideshow personally. By that I mean the reps the sculpters and so on. I think this sways their comments only because they can relate to the people that they have built trust with. Ok hear me out please! I am a sales rep that deals with brokers on a daily basis. I get much more sales from the brokers who know me. Why? Because they know me they know what I like, they invest a certain amount of trust in me. So even when I give them numbers that are not in their favor they may give me the sale. Not because they like the numbers but because they know me and what I will do for them. They say he is a great guy I would rather work for him. That is Sideshow in my opinion. I guess my point is these guys aren't customizers they are the real deal so we should expect the best from them. We shouldn't rely on paying someone else to repaint our figures to make them movie accurate. They should come out of the box looking that way. This comes from me being blasted in the Padme thread and certain people saying we are blind and that the sculpt is perfect. I disagree along with many others. I think that by displaying this Sideshow will be forced to step up their game. Now just so I dont get peoples panties in a bunch here are all the awesome things I own from Sideshow:
Darth Maul PF
Jabba and Throne
Jedi Luke
Rebel Troops
Han Solo
Yavin Luke
Dark Anakin
Reg Anakin
Darth Sidous Chair
Spider Man bust
and about a couple other thousand dollars worth of stuff.
As far as I'm concerned I am not blind I am a customer with an opinion.
Darth Maul PF
Jabba and Throne
Jedi Luke
Rebel Troops
Han Solo
Yavin Luke
Dark Anakin
Reg Anakin
Darth Sidous Chair
Spider Man bust
and about a couple other thousand dollars worth of stuff.
As far as I'm concerned I am not blind I am a customer with an opinion.