Quick questions about Water Treatment

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Eden Prairie, MN
Has anyone who's water treated their figures had issues with mildew due to standing water in the figure's boots? I know you hold them upside down to initially drain out the boots but once they're standing there drying I wonder if water from the pants can end up staying in the boots.

Do you put leather goods like jedi belts and Legolas' quiver on after the rest of figure has dried? Thanks in advance.
ok, if this is sarcasm then......:rotfl :lol :lol :rotfl

if this is serious i would say that I only do this with robes, clothes, etc.(off the figure)
Please don't soak the figure. Just dampen the cloth with a spray bottle and let it air dry. The clothes will hang a lot more naturaly and it will get rid of most rinkles that build up during shipping.

Go to target or wal-mart and buy a .50 spray bottle.

And ***** OFF CF!
Darth Loki said:
Please don't soak the figure. Just dampen the cloth with a spray bottle and let it air dry. The clothes will hang a lot more naturaly and it will get rid of most rinkles that build up during shipping.

Go to target or wal-mart and buy a .50 spray bottle.

And ***** OFF CF!

I have to agree the spray bottle works much better and no worries about mildew.
Collector Freak said:
LOL! Are people actually doing this? :rotfl
No, no one is doing this.

This thread is a figment of your imagination.

In your dreams tonight Sideshow Freaks board members will "water treat" you.

Sleep well, pumpkin. ;D
Does sideshow print on their packaging "just add water" ?
Easiest thing to do is to soak the clothing seperately, wring out most of the water and then apply the clothing in a way that looks natural to you. Put the boots on at that point and let it air dry in an area that has plenty of ventilation and come back later. When it's almost fully dry you can then attach the belts and stuff.
Hey thanks guys. I'm finally going to have my ROTS Obi-Wan "take the plunge", so to speak and want to make sure I don't screw anything up. :lol I had already checked out the RS tutorial but was a little concerned about water ending up in the boots. Removing the clothes and/or spray bottle it is!
A word about Ep III Obi's tunic-

The fabric is kinda stretchy-weird, so I suggest that after it's wet, you play with it a bit to get the clothes to sit just right. Otherwise it kind of looks shriveled-up.
Customikey said:
A word about Ep III Obi's tunic-

The fabric is kinda stretchy-weird, so I suggest that after it's wet, you play with it a bit to get the clothes to sit just right. Otherwise it kind of looks shriveled-up.

Ditto that! If stretched correctly it lays quite nicely and looks even more in scale. :lol
yeah I can imagine the tabbards on his tunic shrivelling up, so be careful when they're drying. I didnt do any water works on mine... but i did iron the things (carefully!!) to widen them, and make them a little longer (unstitched them at the back too off the belt)... looks MUCH better when they're wider (although they're hanging a little wonky in that photo there). They were way too thin beforehand.

Darren Carnall said:
yeah I can imagine the tabbards on his tunic shrivelling up, so be careful when they're drying. I didnt do any water works on mine... but i did iron the things (carefully!!) to widen them, and make them a little longer (unstitched them at the back too off the belt)... looks MUCH better when they're wider (although they're hanging a little wonky in that photo there). They were way too thin beforehand.


Awe inspiring work Darren. I can't wait to see what you do with the TPM Obi HS... and now I'm really hoping that that wait list for the Anakin motors along...
I wasn't big into the idea at first, but after seeing all the image threads I decided to try. Every robed figured I've purchased since has had it done. It truely brings out robes to their finest.