Robot Nurse

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Terminators in the future? Where have you been? LOL! Our military has all kinds of robots capable of destroying humans. Pretty soon we won't even need infantryman.

Robot Nurse

She comforts. She listens intently. And,
then she smiles sweetly. So why's she
so different? She's not human.|htmlws-main-n|dl3|sec1_lnk1|180485

Robot Terminators not too far off into the Future? you betcha
Already knew that,probably way before you...this video just re-enforces that.

Terminators in the future? Where have you been? LOL! Our military has all kinds of robots capable of destroying humans. Pretty soon we won't even need infantryman.
its not a sex bot :dunno

guess I should expect comments like that from here

You don't know much about the Japanese do you? Believe me, someone is already working on that.

And it was a joke. For someone who is so enlightened, you really should lighten up.
You don't know much about the Japanese do you? Believe me, someone is already working on that.

And it was a joke. For someone who is so enlightened, you really should lighten up.

the second link I posted says otherwise....the youtube title is someone elses own imagination...of course the perverts want it to be a sex bot

It's been a few years since we checked in with Actroid, a bot we first saw way back in 2005. What you're looking at above is Actroid-F, Kokoro Co. Ltd. and ATR's latest iteration of the creepy humanoid robot that can mime the operator's facial expressions and head movements with unbelievable (but not quite human) accuracy. Her current job is to act as "as an observer in hospitals to gauge patient reactions." We guess that's one way to get around euthanasia laws. See what we mean in the video after the break.
ooooh, fembots.